Editorial Note
The United States Chiefs of Mission in the Near East met in conference in Istanbul, Turkey, November 26–29, 1949, under the chairmanship of Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs George C. McGhee. The conference considered internal political trends, economic and, social problems, regional trendy, United States strategic planning, and the future role of the United States in the Near East. For documentation on the conference, see pages 165 ff.
While in Istanbul, Assistant Secretary McGhee exchanged visits with Governor Fehrettin Kerim Gokay of Istanbul on November 28 and 29 and with Patriarch Athenagoras on November 29 and 30. Memoranda of conversation on the visits were transmitted to the Department of State as enclosures to despatches 293, December 5, and 300, December 12, from Ankara, neither printed (867.404/12–549 and 867.00/12–1249).
Following the Istanbul conference, Assistant Secretary McGhee visited Ankara on December 1 and 2. He had a long conversation with Foreign Minister Sadak, was received by President Inönü, and talked informally with a number of Turkish cabinet members. Records of the substance of these conversations have not been found.