120.3 Conferences/11–2949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consulate at Istanbul
351. Contel 272 Nov 29—last para slightly garbled.1 For McGhee from Hare. Fol your departure Ibn Saud’s most recent conversations with Childs re SA security discussed with Wright2 for purpose ascertaining whether it might not be possible for UK in framework its present discussions and negots with SAG to take opportunity reassure SAG that UK was deeply concerned with peace and stability in area and wld not countenance any action by any country which might disturb peaceful conditions.
Wright said UK had also received similar expressions of SA apprehension on several occasions and that several years ago UK had offered negotiate treaty similar to treaties with Jordan and Iraq which, though Ibn Saud might not wish to conclude, might calm fears. Wright did not believe UK would be inclined offer treaty now and had hoped current milit missions wld be steadying influence. Wright added UK was constantly endeavoring allay fears of Ibn Saud and Brit reps Amman and Baghdad had frequently discussed situation with Jordan and Iraq. Wright said he wld have no objection if USG wished inform Ibn Saud UK was exerting restraining influence on Jordan and Iraq and had no desire disturb existing conditions.
Meanwhile we are today discussing text paras 2 and 3 draft statement with Brit Emb reps Wash and will communicate further with you and Childs soonest.