501.BB Palestine/12–1349: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
Washington, December 13, 1949—12 noon.
641. US rep on TC1 shld be guided by fol considerations at TC mtg Dec 13 when question of Jerusalem arises.
- 1.
- Although US voted against res adopted by GA, TC is under direction of GA and shld make bona fide effort to carry out clear intention of Assembly. US as member of TC will discharge its responsibilities in attempting to carry out GA res but US member should avoid leadership in discussions. At same time because of our opposition to Jerusalem res in GA we shld be careful that our position in TC does not undermine or give appearance of undermining GA’s decision.
- 2.
- First task confronting TC is review and modification of statute of Jerusalem in accordance with para I (2) of GA res. This para refers to need for amendments in statute in direction of its greater democratization. Inherent in such problem is also need to consider element of workability and acceptance. Although Dept does not believe that TC shld initially take steps toward implementation of statute, Dept does believe that elements of workability and acceptance shld be taken into account in modifications of the statute.
- 3.
- In opening statement US Rep shld say that views of US on Jerusalem have been stated in Assembly but US believes that, under instructions from Assembly, TC must proceed to draw up draft statute for Jerusalem and US will cooperate to this end.
- 4.
- In light of fact that GA res was only adopted on Dec 9 Dept believes that all govts interested in question and particularly members of TC may need some time now to consider problem further and to have opportunity to study views expressed in GA. US would favor therefore adherence to present schedule of TC so that initial work on problem does not commence until latter part of Jan.
- 5.
- Although US Del shld not take any initiative on question of place of TC meeting if subject is reopened in TC, US should support holding winter meeting of TC in NY rather than Geneva.
- 6.
- If question of participation of Israel and Jordan in work of TC arises, US Del shld support invitation to them to participate without vote but US shld not at this stage initiate invitation to them since their presence might precipitate the issue of their compliance or noncompliance with GA res.
- 7.
- If move is made in TC to establish a subcommittee to work on statute US Del shld support subcommittee of the whole rather than smaller subcommittee. If despite our position smaller subcommittee is established US shld seek to avoid membership on such committee but shld not press this to point where it might appear that US is unwilling to assist TC in drafting statute.2