501.BB Palestine/12–1149: Telegram
The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State
878. Immediately following receipt Department niact 755, December 9, Ford and I had Shiloah my residence for hour December 10 and were at office Eytan 45 minutes December 11.
In reply to Department message Eytan quoted Ben-Gurion as standing on today’s statement: “Israel’s position on question of Jerusalem found clear and final expression in statements by the government and all parties in Knesset on December 5. Jerusalem is an inseparable part of Israel and her eternal capital. No UN vote can alter this historic fact.” Ben-Gurion feels “nothing more now need be said.” There will be “special meeting government” this p. m.1
Eytan said Israel immediately after UN vote stopped all further transfer property to Russians under Knesset authority August 24. “Bulk of property” not transferred and “no more will be transferred.”
Eytan implied Israel not required take any action re UN decision until Trusteeship Council drafted and its implementation is begun. At point implementation “Israel may refuse access Jewish Jerusalem to TC representatives or merely refuse cooperation.” No decision these policies yet taken. Eytan expects and hopes that meanwhile Russia will press its advantage and make such demands in TC for participation government Jerusalem as will antagonize Western Powers and prevent agreement. He said “Moscow and Vatican each hopes cheat the other. Their alliance cannot last.”
Eytan was more optimistic than Shiloah about effects UN decision on Israel–Jordan talks. Next meeting will be December 13. Shiloah was pessimistic any agreement now except possibly on Jerusalem roads to Scopus and Bethlehem. Shiloah doubts Transjordan has or can secure consent Egypt transfer to Transjordan Gaza and strip. As to transit Transjordan to Gaza, Israel now offers road under Transjordan jurisdiction on model of US agreement Panama jurisdiction [Page 1533] over road through Canal Zone. Eytan feels Abdullah more anxious than his advisers avoid break Israel talks.
Comment: Whole Israel shocked and pro-Russian sections stunned by success Russian-Vatican-Moslem combination. Russian cynicism is bitter pill for all, but especially for Leftists. Ben-Gurion and Cabinet now see absurdity Sharett’s policy insisting on balancing Russian “friendship” with that of US. I pressed this point cruelly with Eytan and intend do same with Ben-Gurion and Weizmann urging them speak and act accordingly. In particular I called Eytan’s attention to inexcusable anti-American despatches in Palestine Post which I believe enjoys directly or indirectly government subsidies thus putting it in different category from independent and party newspapers. End comment.
- In his statement before the Knesset on December 5, the Israeli Prime Minister stated in part: “We cannot today regard the decision of November 29, 1947, as being possessed of any further moral force since the United Nations did not succeed in implementing its own decisions. In our view, the decision of November 29 about Jerusalem is null and void.” The following day, the Knesset ratified unanimously the Prime Minister’s statement. (Despatch 304, December 12, from Tel Aviv, 501.BB Palestine/12–1249)↩