Editorial Note

The General Assembly, in two meetings on December 9, considered that part of the Ad Hoc Political Committee report concerned with establishing an international regime for the Jerusalem area and with protecting the Holy Places; the proceedings of these meetings are printed in GA, 4th sess., Plenary, pages 572–607.

Mr. Ross expressed again the opposition of the United States to the draft resolution adopted by the Committee and reiterated support for the proposals of the Palestine Conciliation Commission (ibid., page 578). British Representative Cadogan also spoke in opposition to the Committee measure, while Soviet Representative Tsarapkin spoke in favor of it (ibid., pages 573 and 589).

The General Assembly, later the same day, adopted the resolution proposed by the Committee by a vote of 38–14, with 7 abstentions. The United States and the United Kingdom were recorded in opposition (ibid., page 607); for the text of resolution, see infra.