867N.00/12–549: Telegram
The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State
859. Ford and I December 4 during hour with Ben-Gurion and earlier hour and half with Eytan and Comay canvassed: (1) Istanbul conference,1 (2) Israel position re Jerusalem, (3) re Egypt, (4) re Jordan, (5) Communism, (6) re ESM, (7) re Point IV, (8) US policy Near East.
1. Istanbul: I gave orally substance of agreed statement and also made five points McGhee and I drafted as basis my arguments here. (See my “main talk” memorandum in Department’s summary of Istanbul conference.)
Prime Minister showed keenest interest throughout, interjecting observations frequently and at conclusion my resume commented follows:
- 2. Jerusalem: In impassioned demand for “true reason” international community “intransigence” re Jews continued occupancy and rule of new Jerusalem, Prime Minister observed bitterly “Christianity still cannot accept nor tolerate fact that Jewish state now exists and that its traditional capital is Jerusalem”. Declaring that Israel would make any desired promise re safeguarding and guaranteeing free access to “places sacred to all mankind” he added “such promises hold good today and will be observed twenty or hundred years hence”. He concluded gravely “it would take an army to get Jews out of Jerusalem; and the only army I see willing to occupy Jerusalem is Russia’s”.
- 3. Egypt: Prime Minister eagerly seized on my suggestion re possible direct talks Egypt. “Peace with Egypt would mean peace and stability throughout entire Middle East” he declared and was obviously desirous such direct talks soonest. He had, however, no face-saving device to suggest. On contrary, he said “Gaza is now wanted by Abdullah and hence is not bargaining point between Egypt and Israel”.
4. Jordan: Prime Minister confirmed secret talks now in progress (Embtels 846, November 282 and 850 December 1) and seemed sanguine of outcome. Nonetheless, he emphatically subordinated effect Jordan peace to far more important need for Egypt peace. Eytan had previously enlarged on latest talks with Abdullah December 1, saying Negev no longer paramount issue and that talks now hinging primarily on Gaza and “free passage” or corridor. Other issues including partition Jerusalem, Latrun, Scopus–Bethlehem roads, potash concession and free port Haifa, he implied were manageable.
In answer my question re extension British treaty in event Jordan absorbs Arab Palestine, Prime Minister indicated as had younger colleagues gravity this issue. Prime Minister said “that’s something we shall have to discuss with British”.
- [5.] Communism: Aside from his Jerusalem outburst, Prime Minister emphatically decried communism’s chances in Israel. “For three thousand years we Jews have refused accept regimentation and have repeatedly fought it at risk national extermination. Today we are still Jews and still fight regimentation”. Re reported Vatican fear communism in Jerusalem, Prime Minister emphatically said: “Rome will be Communist before Jerusalem”.
- 6. ESM: Prime Minister significantly made no comment on my relaying of Clapp’s judgment that continued unrestricted immigration to Israel would result in economic collapse.
- 7. Point IV: Prime Minister interested but non-committal this program other than to grunt at my disclosure that only 5 million dollars allocated entire Near East.
8. US policy Near East: Commenting on my statement that “after Istanbul I understand more clearly full implications new policy Near East”, Prime Minister said with evident conviction and pleasure: “US must in its own interests work out with or without Britain, American Near East policy; we think we can see it beginning to take shape”.
Comment: Throughout the two and half hours of our two talks formalities were dispensed with and our exchanges were forthright. End comment.
Sent Department 859, repeated London 141, Jerusalem 99, Baghdad 52, Beirut 77, Damascus 57. Department pass Amman 63, Cairo 72, Jidda 32.3
- For documentation on the conference of Near Eastern Chiefs of Mission held at Istanbul from November 26 to 29, see pp. 165 ff.↩
- Not printed, but see footnote 2, p. 1510.↩
- Ambassador McDonald, the following day, sent a message to Clark Clifford, suggesting that he read telegram 859 (telegram 865, 867N.00/12–649).↩