Editorial Note
Subcommittee 1 made its report on the Jerusalem area to the Ad Hoc Political Committee on December 2. The report included a draft resolution which called on the General Assembly to restate its intention to place the area under a permanent international regime, which would make appropriate guarantees for the protection of the Holy Places, as originally set forth by the General Assembly in its resolution of November 29, 1947 (see footnote 1 to telegram 1271, Foreign Relations, 1947, volume V, page 1291).
The draft resolution, accordingly, called for the establishment of the area as a corpus separatum and designated the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations to discharge the responsibilities of the Administering Authority. The draft resolution, moreover, called on the Trusteeship Council to complete preparation of the Statute of Jerusalem and to proceed with its implementation.
The Subcommittee’s report is printed in GA, 4th sess., Ad Hoc Political Committee, Annex, volume I, page 57.