Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Wells Stabler of the Office of African and Near Eastern Affairs
Subject: Jordan–Israel Talks
Participants: | Mr. Greenhill—British Embassy |
Mr. Wilkins—ANE | |
Mr. Stabler—ANE |
Mr. Greenhill read telegrams from the British Minister in Tel Aviv and the British Minister in Amman concerning the Jordan–Israel talks.
[Page 1513]The British Minister in Tel Aviv reported a conversation with the Israeli Prime Minister. Mr. Ben Gurion indicated that Messrs. Shiloah and Sassoon met with the Jordan representatives on November 27. The talks were preliminary in nature, but Mr. Ben Gurion indicated he thought that agreement could be reached on all points except the question of the Negeb. Mr. Ben Gurion said that he was under the impression that Jordan had raised the question of the Negeb at the request of the British Government. The British Minister replied that he understood Jordan was acting under its own initiative in this case, and according to the Minister, Mr. Ben Gurion received his statement with satisfaction.
British Minister Kirkbride in Amman reported that the talks had taken place on the 27th at the King’s winter quarters at Shuneh. The King had greeted the Israeli representatives but had not taken part in the discussions. Samir Rifai Pasha1 had acted as the Jordan delegate.
It was agreed at the outset that the talks were of an exploratory nature and that it was desirable to take up the principal points or urgent matters first. Samir Pasha said that Jordan considered access to the Mediterranean of vital importance. The Israelis agreed in principle, but discussions as to how it could be implemented were left to another meeting. The Israelis then asked Samir Pasha whether Egypt would be willing to give up the Gaza Strip to Jordan. Samir Pasha replied that this is a question which would have to be taken up at the appropriate time between Jordan and Egypt and did not seem a proper subject for discussion with the Israelis.
The conversation then turned to the subject of the Negeb and Samir Pasha said that Jordan considered it should have a common frontier with Egypt and that the Arab States should be connected by land. Jordan believed that Israel should give up part of the Negeb in return for which Jordan would assure to Israel free access to Aqaba. Jordan would also request a free zone in Haifa. Sassoon pointed out that this question would raise considerable difficulties as the Negeb was the only land area in which Israel could expand.
It was decided that no decisions need be reached at the present meeting and that the questions would be left until another meeting.
The conversation then turned to Jerusalem and both Jordan and Israel agreed that they were opposed to the internationalization of Jerusalem. The Israelis pointed out that there were two matters in Jerusalem which were of secondary importance and which could be settled later if the main questions were resolved. These points were access to Scopus and the return of Arab quarters. It appeared that Israel was prepared to give up the Arab quarters.
[Page 1514]The Israelis then said that they had one question to ask and certain information to give. The question was whether if Jordan should annex Arab Palestine, the Anglo-Jordan Treaty would extend to Arab Palestine. Samir Pasha replied that it would, whereupon the Israelis indicated that they would have further to say on that. The Israelis then informed Samir Pasha that the United States Government had been informed of the intention to proceed with these direct talks and that it had encouraged Israel to reach agreement with Jordan. The Israelis also indicated that the British were aware of these talks. They expressed the hope that even if it was impossible to keep secret the fact that the conversations were proceeding, there would be a high degree of security regarding their substance.
It was agreed that another meeting would take place on Thursday, December 1.
Kirkbride commented that the King appeared to be over-optimistic as always.
- Jordanian Minister of Court.↩