501.BB Palestine(E)/11–549: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


1317. For Tomlinson,1 UNE. Cordier today received cable from Clapp saying that he was omitting from his interim report all reference to technical assistance in the Near East so that it would deal exclusively with continuing relief assistance and work relief. There [Page 1472] would thus be no mention of the need for, nor possible machinery and general outlines of plans for, economic development. Clapp also said that it would not be possible for him to come to Lake Success in November, stating he could answer questions by cable. He said that Gardiner was qualified to express his views on all ESM matters.

Cordier today replied to Clapp that it was most important that he come to Lake Success to discuss ESM report with PCC, Secretariat and GA delegates. Pointed out it would not be possible or appropriate for a non-UN staff member to explain to other delegates the views of the ESM. Cordier believes it most important that Clapp should be in New York to assist in holding the Palestine debate within bounds.2

Secretariat also objected to omission from interim report of any indication of need for long-range economic development. He told Clapp it was most important that Assembly should approve the principles and broad program for TA and development in the NE. Unless this were done, all such programs would be purely national actions and would probably lead to more political difficulties in the area. Cordier argued that it was most important that development program should have GA approval in principle. Cordier did not state to Clapp, but he and Lie believe, that unless member governments are given assurance that some long-range UN economic planning is afoot UN members will be reluctant to contribute to continued relief program.

  1. John D. Tomlinson, Advisor to the Office of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs.
  2. Mr. Clapp, on November 11, informed Mr. McGhee that he did not plan to return for the meeting of the General Assembly (telegram 594, identified also as Simes 29, from Beirut, 501.BB Palestine(E)/11–1149).