501.BB Palestine(E)/10–2549: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon 1


643. Esmis 22. [To Clapp.] Summary important provisions preliminary working draft GA res re Pal2 fols:

Preamble: GA recalling Dec 11 res and having examined reports of PCC, ESM and UNRPR.

1. Organization:

Establishes UN Pal Comm consisting present PCC members to exercise gen policy supervision re Pal;
Establishes UN Agent Gen Pal responsible direction UN activities re Pal;
Decides continue UNRPR.

2. Political:

Calls on Israel Arab states seek agreement by negots conducted with Agent Gen or directly with view final settlement outstanding questions;
Instructs Agent Gen facilitate and expedite effective negots by Israel Arab states in task achieving final settlement and, as circumstances may require, make recommendations to foregoing or to GA thru PCC as necessary;
Requests Agent Gen collaborate closely with UNRPR and NESDA develop effective coordination.

3. Relief:

Takes note ESM report re need continue direct relief and develop short range employment projects;
Determines on basis ESM report sum (tentatively $32 million) required;
Urges UN members make voluntary contributions;
Authorizes SYG to advance up to (tentatively $5 million) from UN working capital fund;
Recommends UNRPR collaborate closely with Agent Gen and NESDA;
Requests SYG call upon present operating groups continue services and, if subsequently unable continue, make other arrangements as required.

4. Refugees:

Calls on Arab states Israel assume their full responsibility solution refugee problem and facilitate measures internatl assistance;
Takes note ESM report recommending NESDA and declarations certain UN members re willingness participate and urges estab NESDA;
Instructs Agent Gen collaborate closely with NESDA.

5. Compensation:

Decides Pal Comm acting through Agent Gen shall have internatl status equivalent protecting state re refugee property losses;
Calls on Israel Arab states to treat Commas having this status;
Requests Israel Arab states notify Agent Gen if they wish undertake protection any Pal refugees;
Instructs Agent Gen take measures effect determination and fulfillment governmental obligations under internatl law or in equity re compensation payments, make appropriate releases and effectuate equitable distribution proceeds.

  1. This telegram was repeated to London as No. 3834, Paris, and Ankara, and to New York for the American Delegation to the Palestine Conciliation Commission.
  2. Presumably the draft resolution cited in paragraph numbered two in telegram 642, supra.