840.20/1–3049: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kohler) to the Secretary of State


us urgent

233. Stalin reply to Kingsbury-Smith questions1 just broadcast Soviet radio obviously timed calculated fit in with anti-Atlantic Pact blast and blunt démarche to Norwegians. Embtel 228 January 292 and 230 January 30.3 Our preliminary reaction Kremlin surprised and really hit by rapid development plans for effective Atlantic defense union wdth teeth in it and determined do everything possible delay or frustrate its conclusion or at least minimize extent. Vigor their reactions to obviously defensive pact against aggression arouses suspicions re Soviet intentions which should be exposed by all media US information.

Stalin’s statements designed achieve goals recent Soviet “peace offensive” as outlined Embtel 107 January 15, and already exposed by VOA and US public declarations. Timing clearly intended divert attention from bluntness Oslo démarche by cover confusion re Soviet “peaceful” intentions. Again Kremlin talks peace but acts hostilely. Value pact with Soviet Union declaring no intention resort war and agreement on measures implement such pact perfectly evaluated and exposed Bohlen’s address New York Bar Association January 28.4 Remarks on Germany and Berlin go right back to initial objectives Kremlin tried vainly obtain from last summer’s Moscow talks. Finally notable that despite wide opening Stalin indicates no more intention going half way meet President Truman in person than he has in principle.

Sent Department 233, repeated London 25, Paris 37, Oslo 10.

  1. Infra.
  2. Vol. iv, p. 51.
  3. Not printed. In regard to the démarche made to Norway, however, see editorial note and despatch No. 51 from Oslo on February 10, 1949, ibid., pp. 53 and 91.
  4. Address on “The American Course in Foreign Affairs”; for text, see Department of State Bulletin, February 6, 1949, p. 157.