ECA Telegram Files, Lot W–131, Paris Torep: Telegram

The Administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administration (Hoffman) to the Embassy in Frame


Torep 3218. Re London Toeca 665, rptd Paris Torep 568, Feb 51 and Paris Toeca 650, rptd London as 97.2

Disturbed over fact that Anglo-French I–A list appears to contain less than 100 items US I–A though it includes atomic energy items and some items not on US list.
Atomic Energy List being negotiated separately and should not be included on I–A list. Furthermore security considerations require separate treatment and items should not be discussed in connection ECA negotiations. State will wire Paris re atomic energy items with idea using present circumstance as opportunity press Fr for agreement relevant atomic energy export controls.3
Believe British may have acted prematurely in agreeing to establish joint list with French at this time particularly as there are many unsettled items which British apparently willing accept pending further info. Therefore believe talks with other govts based Anglo-French list should be discouraged at this time.
US military preparing further info available this week which should enable further understanding with British for longer I–A list. Most desirable that British take leadership in gaining cooperation other govts but not until maximum agreement reached by U.K.
If no compromise proves possible at technical level for substantial increase present British list suggest consideration approach on cabinet level. Perhaps desirable that Douglas4 and Siegbert approach Bevin and Cripps.5 Harriman and Finletter concur. State concurs.

Sent London Ecato 662; rptd Paris for Harriman as Torep 3218, passed to Bruce Mission.

  1. Not printed. It reported that the British had found the French most cooperative in developing an agreed Anglo-French IA list. Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg were definitely not inclined, however, to go along with the British approach. These smaller countries refused to engage in any control of exports involving discrimination against participating countries. The proposed British IA list appeared to include 98 of the 163 items on the current US IA list.
  2. Supra.
  3. The instructions referred to here were transmitted in telegram 496, February 11, to Paris, not printed. For documentation on the control of the export of nuclear equipment and materials, see vol. i, pp. 419 ff.
  4. Lewis W. Douglas, Ambassador in the United Kingdom.
  5. Sir Stafford Cripps, British Minister for Economic Affairs.