
Memorandum of Long Distance Telephone Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (Woodward)


Subject: Unusual Publicity in Bogotá Concerning Nicaraguan “Invasion” of Costa Rica.

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Mr. Daniels1 said that a full meeting of the Conference on the afternoon of April 19 had been startled and alarmed by headlines in a Bogotá newspaper that “the State Department stated Nicaraguan forces had invaded Costa Rica”. General Marshall was asked at the meeting whether he knew of the basis for this report “from the State Department”. General Marshall had not seen the telegrams received at Bogotá on this subject and said that he knew nothing about it.

Mr. Daniels said the Nicaraguan Delegate flatly denied the truth of this report and said he would telegraph immediately to his Government at Managua. Likewise, the Costa Rican Delegate was disturbed.

I commented to Mr. Daniels that there would not seem to be any doubt concerning the accuracy of the report. General Somoza had personally admitted to Mr. Bernbaum at Managua that he had sent troops to three towns well within the Costa Rican border. Also, the Nicaraguan Government had sent a message to the Nicaraguan Delegation at Bogotá explaining the reasons for this and therefore admitting that it was so.

I told Mr. Daniels that I agreed that it was unfortunate that the report concerning this military action was attributed to “the State Department” as a source. I said this manner of reporting information was a mistake and that I was very sorry that it had happened.

Mr. Daniels requested that I telephone promptly on the morning of April 20 any further information concerning this incident, such as possible withdrawal of the troops from Costa Rica.2

Robert F. Woodward
  1. Director for American Republic Affairs, and member of the U.S. delegation at the Bogotá Conference.
  2. Chargé Bernbaum informed the Secretary of State in telegram 99, April 20, 1 p. m., not printed, as follows: “Today informed by General Somoza that orders issued for retirement Nicaraguan troops from Costa Rica. Expects return troops from La Cruz and Los Chiles today. Estimated those at Villa Quesada will require about two days for return to border by river and on foot. Stated expected attack and would await it at border.”