Political and economic relations of the United States and Argentina

[207] The Chargé in Argentina (Ray) to the Secretary of State


[208] The Chargé in Argentina (Ray) to the Secretary of State


[210] The Ambassador in Argentina (Bruce) to the Secretary of State

711.35/11–448: Airgram

[211] The Ambassador in Uruguay (Briggs) to the Secretary of State

835.00/11–648: Telegram

[215] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State


[216] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State


[217] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Argentina

711.35/12–2148: Telegram

  1. The source text was mailed November 12, 1948, replacing an earlier text of the same document mailed November 5.