818.00/4–1948: Telegram
The Chargé in Nicaragua (Bernbaum) to the Secretary of State
97. Embtel 96, April 17. General Somoza informed Embassy this a. m. that Nicaraguan troops in Costa Rica restricted to 100 each at La Cruz, Los Chiles and Villa Quesada with strict instructions confine activities checking revolutionary attempts enter Nicaragua and not take part Costa Rican conflict. He reported dispersal yesterday Villa Quesada revolutionary column 500 Guatemalans and Venezuelans bound for Chontales. Reiterated willingness withdraw troops upon international guarantees Nicaraguan border will not be violated.
Upon being informed later today’s phone conversation with Newbegin1 Somoza again insisted upon defensive character his action and lack any intention intervene Costa Rican conflict. He added at this point that situation clarifying and worsening with impending alliance Figueres and Vanguardia popular. To my urgent advice he retire to Nicaraguan border in deference strong international reaction, he stated could not afford permit revolutionaries utilize Villa Quesada airfield other occupied points as rallying centers for attack. War Sub-secretary Colonel Telleria later explained strategic importance these points as commanding only practicable means penetrating Nicaraguan border.
Embassy information indicates far more than 300 Guardia in Costa Rica. Indications are so-called volunteers in far greater number than uniformed troops. Although conceding Somoza action now dominated by considerations self-defense, Embassy foresees possibility progressively elastic interpretation self-defense which might eventually lead crusade rid Costa Rica of Communism.… Embassy advises any action taken be firm and unequivocal.
Department please pass Bogotá.