710.J/4–648: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulae) to the Acting Secretary of State
Delbog 35. Daily Report No. 5. Plenary session speakers: Paz Campero head Bolivian Delegation, Vasconcellos Foreign Minister Paraguay and Parra Velaseo Foreign Minister Ecuador. First two gave routine speeches. None gave indication that views substantially modified by Secretary’s speech. Vasconcellos stressed fight waged by Morinigo Government on behalf democratic principles against “Muskovite forces” in recent civil war.1 In economic matters urged special privileges beyond Most Favored Nation treatment for Paraguay and Bolivia in view padlocked situation with limited access outside.
Parra stressed following points: (1) Nothing in organic pact should contravene universal support UN, (2) within hemisphere both Federation Latin American countries and subregional groups such as Gran Colombia should be promoted; (3) Ecuador supports claims Guatemala, Argentina and Chile to Belize, Falklands and Antarctica; (4) PAU Governing Board should not be given political powers; (5) in economic matters industrialized nations are unjustly seeking impose own economic theories on semi-colonial countries. Conference must recognize latter’s right to tariffs, quota systems, et cetera, and should repudiate trade policy agreed on at Habana.
Committee I: Beaulac,2 supported by Brazil, stated US agreement regarding inclusion only generally accepted rights and duties states as principles of inter-American relations in operative provisions Organic Pact. Added US agreed that provisions of OP regarding exercise political powers PAU Governing Board should be clarified and clearly defined. La Rosa (Argentina) argued against OP provisions granting any but administrative powers to Governing Board as opening door to intervention and superstate.
[Page 33]Committee II: Mexico favored stronger association American states than contemplated draft Organic Pact and urged appointment ad hoc representatives Governing Board. Brazil opposed Argentine thesis for independent military council, disagreed with Argentine fear regarding creation of superstate and firmly supported basic provisions draft Organic Pact. Castro (El Salvador)3 opposed requirement that countries appoint special representatives Governing Board. Armour (US)4 gave general statement US views stating that language can be found to insure that Governing Board would exercise functions within limitations set by treaties and under direction of governments.
Highlight Committee IV was speech by McCloy International Bank which stressed that Latin America at present is area of primary interest to bank. Bank is prepared to help develop its resources, but not necessarily along lines US development and hopes blaze trail for private international investment. Speech well received but questions revealed LA interest more favorable consideration government-sponsored projects.
Committee V established three subcommittees: Social matters, cultural matters, statute commission women and women’s rights. US to be on all three.
- Gen. Higinio Morinigo, President of Paraguay, 1943–1948; for documentation on the Paraguayan situation, see pp. 700 ff.↩
- Ambassador Willard L. Beaulac, Delegate of the United States.↩
- Hector David Castro, Ambassador to the United States.↩
- Norman Armour, Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs and United States Delegate.↩