710.J/4–448: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Acting Secretary of State
Bogdel 32. Weekly Summary No. 1. First week of conference principally occupied with formal opening ceremonies, organization of working committees and preliminary exchange of views with substantive debate just beginning.
Highlights of sessions were speeches by Marshall and Torres Bodet (Mexico). Torres, with eloquence and impassioned plea for aid for extensive economic development Latin America, probably epitomized feeling majority other delegations and was accorded enthusiastic reception. Marshall’s straightforward speech should help temper ground swell extensive direct aid program. In substantive discussion there is growing emphasis on importance organic pact reorganization of IA system and initial developing issue is whether PAU Gov Board should have political powers, heightened by Argentine reference to fear of “super state”. This seems to represent belated awareness of significance grant of political powers to board as provisional consultative organ under Eio treaty. Issue being stated in extreme terms. US position is (1) no retreat from powers granted in Rio treaty; (2) similar use of board as consultative organ in pacific settlement machinery; and (3) any other political powers granted board to be specifically delimited by treaty. As previously reported Argentina also pressing for military council completely independent from PAU.
Communism and control subversive activities not yet discussed in Committees. In private discussions Chile appears taking lead for strong action. Argentina indicated view problem better handled by individual countries, fearing extensive discussion in conference might be counter-productive. Guatemala and Venezuela not expected favor strong action. Initial Mexican views inclined favor sufficiently general language to assure unanimity and minimum discussion newspaper accounts building on Marshall’s inquiry as to whether agenda permitted discussion subversive activities, have created erroneous impression some quarters that US energetically soliciting support predetermined plan for strong anti-Communist action.
Delegation economic group under Harriman1 has reviewed and tightened up draft economic agreement. Revised text Chapter 4 being transmitted separately and full revised text airmail.
On question European colonies Guatemala expressed certainty of overwhelming support for resolution stating desire American representatives [Page 32] termination colonial status and suggested conference create permanent commission for continuous study of European colonial problem in hemisphere.
Route this summary PL, ADA and Vandenberg and Eaton.2