810.00B/12–748: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics


In response to an inquiry from the Chilean authorities as to whether the systematic liaison for exchange of information concerning international Communist activities (as outlined in the Department’s circular instruction of October 15, 1948) would likewise include exchange of information on other totalitarian activities, the Department has sent the following reply to Embassy-Santiago which may be useful to you for information:

“Dept approves proposed liaison Emb with Secy Genl of Govt to exchange info subversive activities international Communism or any other totalitarian doctrine directed, assisted or instigated by foreign govts (urtel 757, Nov 241). Such exchange of info should be of inter-American character, for defense of American republics against political organizations serving interests of a foreign power in accordance with Resolution XXXII. If Chilean Govt has in mind consultations or exchange info re internal political regimes and activities other American republics, Dept believes such consultations should be through usual diplomatic channels rather than special technical liaison. Dept assumes Chile does not contemplate any action which might be considered unfriendly by other American republics, or contrary to Art XV Bogotá Charter OAS.”

  1. Not printed.