710.Consultation 2(F)/10–448

Memorandum by Mr. Charles C. Hauch of the Division of Caribbean Affairs1

The controlled newspaper La Nación of Ciudad Trujillo published on September 23 an article entitled “Results of the Dominican action before the Inter-American Commission on Methods of Peaceful Solution of Conflicts”. The newspaper stated that this article contained information obtained from the “most authorized sources”.

Of particular interest is the statement that one of the results obtained by the Dominician Government from the “Committee of Five” was the latter’s recognition of “the necessity of continuing in charge of the case in view of the possibility that direct negotiations may not lead the parties to any satisfactory solution.”

The Embassy notes that this statement together with the continuing newspaper attacks on Cuba may indicate the Dominican Government’s belief that direct negotiations may not prove successful. It is rumored that President Trujillo is not entirely satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations and that he had hoped for some kind of indictment by the Committee which would reflect more unfavorably on Cuba. This rumor is not in conformity with impressions conveyed to Ambassador Ackerman by the Foreign Minister.

  1. Addressed to Messrs. Mackay, Woodward, Daniels, Price, Walker, and Jamison.