Memorandum of Conversation, by the Ambassador in the Dominican Republic (Ackerman)1
In the course of a conversation with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs this morning (September 29), he informed me that he has addressed a cordial note to the Cuban Government stating that the Dominican Government is now prepared to name its delegates to discuss with a Cuban delegation the Cayo Confites claims and inquiring when the Cuban Government will be disposed to begin negotiations. Inasmuch as the Cuban Government probably would not desire to send a delegation to Ciudad Trujillo and the Dominican Government feels that were it to send its delegates to Havana they might be subjected to molestation or attacks by the Cuban press, the Secretary considers that Washington is the only suitable place for these negotiations, especially as it is his understanding that the Committee of Five will continue supervision as needed.
The Secretary informed me that the Dominican Government was pleased with the recent announcement that Carlos Heria has been named as Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Prío government. According to the best information available here, he understands that Heria has not heretofore mixed in Cuban politics, that he has great ability and, at the same time, mature judgment and equilibrium. As he is not known to be anti-Dominican, the Secretary is inclined to believe that he may be a stabilizing influence on President Prío, especially in international affairs.
The Secretary again remarked that this Government hopes it may be possible to enter into bilateral arrangements with Cuba and other nearby countries for implementing the non-intervention policy so that it may be relieved of the need for continuing expenditures in armaments and other equipment and will be enabled to devote such sums to needed public works and other enterprises which will benefit the country economically. If the new Cuban Minister for Foreign Affairs will advocate a similar Cuban foreign policy, it should benefit the entire Caribbean area.
- Copy transmitted to the Department of State by Ambassador Ackerman in his despatch 556, September 30, 1948.↩