
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Charles C. Hauch of the Division of Caribbean Affairs

Participants: Ambassador Luis F. Thomen—Dominican Republic
Mr. Daniels—Director, ARA
Mr. Hauch—CRB

The Dominican Ambassador called at his request to discuss further the alleged revolutionary activities against his country. He mentioned the following points:

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In the course of the conversation, Mr. Daniels also referred to a newspaper clipping from the New York Herald Tribune of January 26 quoting the Dominican Information Center in New York as announcing [Page 165] that President Trujillo was planning to bring evidence of the alleged present anti-Dominican revolutionary plot to the attention of the signatories of the Rio treaty and that if they fail to act the matter would be referred to the United Nations Security Council. Mr. Daniels inquired whether this meant the Dominican Government had changed its view on assuming the initiative in taking the matter up through established machinery and procedures. The Ambassador said that it did not. He added that the Dominican Information Center exists for the primary purpose of promoting tourism and general information on the Dominican Republic, but that sometimes it went beyond these functions.

Mr. Daniels stated it was his understanding that the Venezuelan Government had sent to the Director General of the Pan American Union a copy of the communication it had addressed to the Government of Nicaragua with respect to alleged anti-Venezuelan activities: in that country. Although this copy had been sent the Director General informally with no request for action, Mr. Daniels thought that it might ultimately develop into a method of getting the whole question of the Caribbean revolutionary activities before the Pan American Union, should this possibility be followed up. The Ambassador apparently had little information on the receipt by the Director General of the communication under reference.