710.J/4–148: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delbog 17. Daily Report No. 3. Following elected chairman, vice chairman and rapporteur respectively of indicated committees:
- Committee I—Mexico, Panama, Brazil
- Committee II—Chile, El-Salvador, Argentina
- Committee III—Peru; election postponed other officers
- Committee IV—Venezuela, Guatemala, US
- Committee V—Argentina, Chile, Haiti
- Committee VI—Dominican Republic, Honduras, Cuba
Committee I established three sub-committees:
- (1)
- Preamble and principles organic pact; (2) nature inter-American system; (3) miscellaneous provisions. US member first two.
Committee II established three sub-committees: (1) IA Assemblies, organization PAU and relations with UN; (2) specialized organizations; (3) financing.
[Page 26]At plenary this p. m. after formal speech Secretary Marshall made extemporaneous remarks stating desire speak personally and directly.1 He emphasized importance not losing sight of overall situation in course of detailed discussions. Stated his awareness that references in many of statements made and to be made were to US directly or indirectly. Pointed out that there is limited understanding of tremendous responsibilities on US government and great burden on US people, citing as example present necessity expenditure additional billions for armed forces. He emphasized that OAR benefit in peace, security and economic development as much as US from these efforts but that burden rests on US. Added that to reasonable degree he can understand views OAR since as Chief Staff during war he was under multitude of pressures from abroad and within US for dispersal armed forces. If he had not resisted pressures war would have lasted longer and postwar situation been different. He urged that OAR bear in mind that with our great responsibilities US must proceed with great wisdom. Concluded by stating that mural of Simon Bolivar covering wall meeting room brought to mind bloody capture Okinawa, with great US losses, where US forces were under leadership of General Simon Bolivar Buckner who gave life in the battle. Cited this as symbolic of common purposes.
Bramuglia, Argentina, followed with lengthy speech of routine character. Emphasized Pan-American cooperation stating that Argentina desires adhere to continental solidarity. Added there must be joint action without limiting principle of sovereignty. Stated that America must not retrogress to colonial status and can not permit “foreign hands in American continent”. Emphasized necessity of hemispheric peace and solidarity.