710.J/3–3148: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delbog 11. Daily Report Number 2. Extensive discussion credentials committee re acceptance Nicaraguan credentials. Guatemala objected, Panama and Haiti favored, but made clear acceptance not imply recognition. Venezuela made similar statement plenary session. Brazil favored, stating question recognition not relevant/Argentina favored since invitation is to states not governments. US merely stated no objection.
First plenary this p. m. accepted credentials report.
Gόmez, Colombian Foreign Minister, Torres Bodet, Mexican Foreign Minister, Hernandez, head Chilean delegation, and Price, assistant Syg UN, spoke plenary.
Bodet stressed following points: pact reorganization IA system must be all embracing constitution of real union of states. To date IA system has been strong only in times of external crisis on economic matters. Continuation of economic interdependence based on exportation only of raw materials by some countries and manufactured articles by others [Page 25] means loss real economic independence. Agreement on free access raw materials must be accompanied by fair payment, and free access capital goods and inventions must strengthen IA ECOSOC to give technical aid fight financial instability and finance long term projects. Development America no less urgent than reconstruction Europe since this is one world and now wilderness reigns over most of potential wealth this hemisphere. On universal cooperation IA system must not be regional bloc, must avoid isolationism and each republic must recognize duty to mankind as bridge of world conciliation and hope.
Hernández stated world divided two camps and reiterated Chile’s support Democracies. IA system should be strengthened as refuge in case UN becomes bureaucratic or ineffective and should settle all political controversies without necessity reference UN. Referred to necessity economic cooperation and to Chile’s incontestable rights in Antarctica.
Price emphasized opportunities American representatives help rest of world and importance reciprocal relationships IA system and UN citing as examples interim committee consideration IA pacific settlement machinery and creation ECLA.