831.00/12–448: Telegram
The Ambassador in Venezuela (Donnelly) to the Secretary of State
933. Watch Officer inform AHA Daniels, Mills, Krieg immediately. Military Junta currently in control entire country without organized opposition. Curfew, censorship, military alert, suspension certain constitutional guarantees, sporadic firing night in Caracas principal exceptions normalcy. Reliably informed Military Junta considers necessary continue these measures some time order safeguard public order. Oil companies confirm reports from American Consuls and others that interior quiet. Stability Junta depends continued support united armed forces, has backing majority land-owning commercial and other conservative groups. Censorship and current stern attitude armed forces toward any overt opposition and bewilderment make difficult judge true feelings inarticulate rank and file but majority people after three years AD control probably have sufficient class consciousness be at least disturbed turn events. Their final opinion may be largely influenced by policies Junta and regime following it.
Substantial quantities AD arms already recovered but some still unaccounted for. Junta government formally undertaken comply with its international obligations (my despatch 905 November 291). Junta and Minister Fomento promised representatives American business respect their rights. Junta calls itself provisional, publicly disclaimed intention dictatorship and promised free elections unspecified future date.
In private informal conversation today Junta President Delgado Chalbaud asserted principal causes coup were Gallegos’ inability or unwillingness prevent AD party calling general strike which army believed could resulted civil war and AD efforts cripple replace army with own forces. He affirmed Junta promise hold free elections, emphatically denied existence ties with other Latin American military regimes, saying it strictly internal affair. Expressed opposition national and international Communism, pledged unqualified support [Page 135] Inter-American system and UN. Stated Venezuelan delegation UN will take line more consistent US policy, resignation UN delegate Zuloaga already accepted. Expressed desire continue US Military Naval Air Missions and intensify relationship with them. Promised respect free enterprise foreign capital and encourage foreign investments and skills. Promised respect existing oil and iron ore concessions and expressed disagreement with Gallegos Government refusal grant additional oil concessions. Said priority consideration would be given formulation wise labor policy, criticized AD policy of alleged meddling internal affairs other countries. Said Junta for tranquility in Caribbean; said Junta in collaboration with best brains in country would continue make decisions only after careful consideration problems avoiding injudicious action. This private meeting arranged at his request and no effort my part apply pressure obtain these assurances.
Delgado expressed hope early US recognition and belief protracted delay would encourage opposition attempt civil disorders. I was noncommittal on recognition. Assuming no change present picture next few days, my views concerning recognition question (Deptel 487 November 302) from pure viewpoint our relations with Venezuela are if US refuses or unduly delays in continuing friendly relations believe we must be prepared accept following principal risks:
- (1)
- Political instability might ensue with possibility disorders endangering American lives properties and continued flow oil.
- (2)
- Military Junta and its civilian partisans might be alienated with consequences which unforeseeable.
On other hand our recognition Junta would mean our acceptance these principal risks:
- (1)
- It uncertain what kind new government will eventually evolve; may emerge ultra-conservative Latin American type military dictatorship which would provide fertile field for underground growth Communism and encourage realliance Communists with Liberal and Socialist opposition elements. There may emerge strong nationalistic type government or new political party sponsored by Military Junta which would seek popular support and submit to election in AD pattern after its electoral triumph assured.
- (2)
- Whatever type government evolves may be influenced by nationalistic views Pérez Jiménez and his crowd who now riding high. I have no evidence intervention any Latin American power in revolution and pro-US views large majority Army officers and Cabinet provide good basis expectation Military Junta collaboration with US on most important international issues and I hope, on key domestic problems affecting our interests here. While I deplore overthrow constitutional government by force, I am of opinion that our national interests in Venezuela would on balance be best served by recognizing Junta [Page 136] order minimize risk alienation opposition elements which important in long term and minimize risk US identification in Venezuelan public mind with Junta. I suggest recognition be accompanied by Department press release regarding Bogotá Resolution 35 and stating no approval policies new government, implied continuance friendly relations should neither be too hastily done nor too long delayed. My present thought is December 10 would be good date and will welcome Department views.