831.01/12–348: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in Certain American Republics 1


Analysis developments Ven by our Emb does not indicate implication any foreign power. Also Gallegos Govt overthrown without collaboration any political party as such.

Principal issue was whether army should be brought under control civil govt which army considered monopolized Acción Democrática Party. Army officers considered army should retain autonomy and ability act independently of party. AD consistently and publicly contended army should retire from politics and be instrument elected constitutional govt.

Other issues were Army’s desire stronger stand against communism, firmer policy towards labor, inflation, graft and administrative inefficiency.

Crisis has been building up for almost year. AD sought support by masses, organized labor, collected arms for use by party members. Party also attempted split army and place in key posts officers in confidence party. Party took steps create national police force to be used with national guard as counterweight to army.

Army officers with few exceptions were united in opposing these moves which considered threat to and encroachment on prerogatives.

At one stage army divided on tactics. Chief Staff Pérez Jiménez wished overthrow govt immediately. Min Defense Delgado Chalbaud wished obtain army desiderata by negotiations with Gallegos. Gallegos stalled after army demands presented Nov. 17. As negotiations dragged on and with AD threatening general strike Pérez Jiménez group gained strength and army garrisons acted. In crisis Army, National Guard and police of Caracas were united. General strike fizzled in less than 24 hours.

Pérez Jiménez, former Chief Staff and now member Junta and Min Defense, sent abroad by Ven Govt March 1948 visit mil establishments Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Arg. Among stated purposes trip was to ascertain views OAR on arms standardization and hemispheric defense policies. Reports from various missions indicate he argued against sending LA troops outside hemisphere and also opposed arms standardization. Pres new Junta, Delgado Chalbaud, has been very friendly towards US policies.

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Situation still uncertain according latest appraisal Amb Donnelly who recommends Dept defer decision (Deptcirtel Nov 292) re resumption normal relations. Dept continuing observe developments.

  1. Sent to 14 Embassies, in Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti. Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.
  2. Not printed.