501.BB Korea/12–648: Telegram

The Acting United States Represent at the United Nations (Dulles) to the Secretary of State


Delga 1080. Committee I held two sessions December 6 on Korea.1 At opening, UK delegate proposed ItCol question be heard before Korean but after some discussion withdrew his suggestion. US delegate then proposed UNTCOK rapporteur be heard but chairman decided proceed with Czech resolution, inviting representatives North Korean regime, to which proposal Chinese resolution for seating delegation of Government of Republic of Korea became joined during debate. Delegates of fifteen states took part in debate but only Soviet bloc spoke in favor hearing North Korean representatives.

Vote on hearing North Korean representatives was 6 for to 36 [34] against with 8 abstentions.

Vote for seating delegation from Seoul was 39 for to 6 against with 1 abstention.2

Repeated Seoul for Muccio as Paris 14.

  1. See bracketed note, p. 1334.
  2. For statement in Committee I by Mr. Dulles on December 7, see Department of State Bulletin, December 19, 1948, p. 758.