501.BB Korea/8–2048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)1


550. It is Dept’s view that reps on UNTCOK have with perseverance and personal sacrifice made important contribution to Korean independence. As period from present through discussion of Korean question in GA will be an exceptionally critical one for new govt at Seoul, Dept hopes govts represented on UNTCOK will realize to full the stabilizing influence exerted upon developments by mere presence of UNTCOK in Korea. Since additionally GA may wish to have recourse on short notice to Commission in Korea for reliable info on particular current facts, Dept trusts that UNTCOK may remain in Korea pending GA decision on problem, even though present consultations under para 4 of Part B of GA res Nov 14, 1947 were to be concluded earlier.

Dept has communicated foregoing to US Missions in UNTCOK capitals, in most cases with request that substance thereof be conveyed informally to FonOffs in hope that member states may urge upon their reps Seoul further study of present plans to wind up shortly UNTCOK activities there. In your discretion you may bring these considerations to attention appropriate Secretariat officials. For your info we should be satisfied if as suggested Seoul’s 681 Aug 18 portion of commission and Secretariat were to remain Seoul. Repeated Seoul for info only.2

  1. Repeated as 297 to Seoul.
  2. Telegram 1058, August 24, 7 p. m., from New York, reported favorable reaction at the UN Secretariat to the American approach (501.BB Korea/8–2448).