895.01/6–248: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs)

top secret

167. Question of US policy re recognition new Korean Govt now cinder urgent consideration in Dept. Although firm Departmental position not yet adopted, current thinking here tends to support view (1) that possible risks involved in immediate recognition of new Govt by US would be outweighed by adverse effects, in terms of US prestige [Page 1214] and stability of new Govt, of refusal on part of US to accord such recognition, and (2) that useful purpose might be served in casting recognition in form which would take into account UN interest and responsibilities and anticipate review of situation by GA in fall (at which time US may wish to press for general UN endorsement of Govt).

Opinion of Legal Adviser has been requested as to legal tenability foregoing procedure and effect thereof on steps outlined in set of drafts hand-carried by Johnson.

Dept plans give advance notice US decision on recognition to British, Chinese and possibly other interested Govts which it is hoped will agree to take parallel action.

Dept would appreciate soonest any views or recommendations which you may have on this subject.
