895.00/3–3048: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


192. Cite Zpol 394. High point is Dr. Rhee’s remarks on conversation with Under Secretary Draper on March 28.

Stressed necessity continued cooperation between US and Korea, stating that he had not always supported US policies because he felt that it was wrong to try to get along with Soviets.
Felt that forthcoming elections were step in right direction; that there would be large turn out at polls; and that election would be orderly unless Communist terrorism becomes too great but in any event police youth and labor groups will be able to keep situation under control.
Believes that any north-south conference of political leaders will be as unsatisfactory as the efforts of Joint Commission.
Said that Korean people were grateful for what US had done for Korea and hope that further aid would be provided as it would be needed. He added that Korea must count on good-will and aid of both US and UN.
Suggested that US might desire naval base on Cheju Island and felt certain that future Korean Government would permit establishment such base if desired.
Felt confident that Koreans would be able to learn quickly how to handle existing industrial establishments and that trade arrangement could be established with China, Japan, Philippines and Australia.
Felt confident that in spite of growing population Korea would be self sufficient in food.