501.BC Indonesia/2–1548: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State


136. Gocus 147. We saw Roem (Chairman Indo Delegation) morning February 15 and conveyed gist of Deptel 62, February 13 with respect possibility Indo representatives SC raising question foreign representatives and control of foreign trade. We emphasized that: (1) Parties have already reached agreement on important areas dispute and this very substantial accomplishment. (2) Final political settlement must arise from negotiations between parties here. (3) Debate in SC can only delay commencement political discussions. (4) We hoped Netherlands would not raise issues in SC leading to debate and believed Netherlands would not if assured Indos had no such intention.

Roem appreciated our point view and indicated he had assumed presentation report to SC would not give rise discussion controversial matters which he said also Sjahrir’s view. He was agreeable our suggestion [Page 98] message be sent Sastroadmidjojo (Indo representative SC) indicating this was Republic’s desire. In reply his question whether we could expedite transmission such message, we offered telegraph it to Department for forwarding and he accepted suggestion. First message he drafted had no relevance. With some promptings from us, he redrafted message. Indonesian text, which Department is requested forward to Sastroadmidjojo, as follows:

[Here follows Indonesian text.]

Translation by UN interpreter, of which accuracy cannot be guaranteed, as follows:

“I hope in circles SC you will make known strong desire Indo Delegation that negotiations between Dutch and Indonesia will continue with speed toward speedy conclusion political agreement. We hope discussions concerning report GOC in SC will not cause delay in negotiations in Indonesia. See to it that Dutch Delegation does not act as it has before. Please transmit our salutations to GOC. [Mohammed Roem]”

This was most explicit instruction we could obtain. (Message was more explicit in oral translation by Roem.) Penultimate sentence refers alleged Dutch delaying tactics. Roem stated Sastroadmidjojo already instructed consult with GOC Lake Success regarding handling of case in SC. Roem indicated a further message will be forthcoming when he has consulted his government. Unserviceability US planes prevent his flying Jogja immediately but we hope a US Dakota bringing military observers will arrive in time fly him Jogja morning February 16. Roem authorized us convey to Dutch that Republic would refrain taking offensive in SC if Dutch would also refrain. (Dutch here now so informed.)

Roem inquired immediately upon arrival if reported appointment Graham as special adviser to Secretary Indonesian Affairs could be confirmed. Other members Indo Delegation have asked same question. All delighted by affirmative reply and expression of gratitude likely to be telegraphed Department from Jogja. According well-informed press representatives here, Graham enormously raised US prestige among Indos. His new appointment likely go far counteract let-down felt by Indos on his departure and shock occasioned by Department sponsoring lecture tour by Foote,1 who Republic representatives fears may express policy inimical their interests.

  1. Walter A. Foote, Consul General at Batavia and chairman of consular committee until October 1, 1947. In telegram 73, February 19, 6 p. m., to Batavia, the Department replied that the tour was sponsored by the Commerce Department and would deal with trade, not political, matters.