740.00119 Control
Report by the Director of the Policy Planning
Staff (Kennan)
top secret
[Washington,] March 25,
PPS 28
Recommendations With Respect to U.S. Policy Toward Japan1
i. the peace treaty
1. Timing and Procedure.
This Government should not press for a treaty of peace at this time.
It should remain prepared to proceed with the negotiations, under
either the two-thirds rule or the FEC voting procedure, if at any time the other Allied
powers can agree among themselves on one of these procedures.
Meanwhile, we should concentrate our attention on the preparation of
the Japanese for the eventual removal of the regime of control.
2. The Nature of the Treaty.
It should be our aim to have the treaty, when finally negotiated, as
brief, as general, and as nonpunitive as possible. To this end we
should try to clear away during this intervening period, by direct
action, as many as possible of the matters which might otherwise be
expected to enter into the treaty of peace. Our aim should be to
reduce as far as possible the number of questions to be treated in
the peace treaty. This applies particularly to such matters as
property rights, restitution, etc. Our policy for the coming period
should be shaped specifically with this in mind.
[Page 692]
ii. security matters
1. Disposition of our Tactical Forces in the
Pre-Treaty Period.
Tactical forces should be retained in Japan for the coming period;
but every effort should be made to reduce to a minimum their
numbers, their cost to the Japanese economy, and the psychological
impact of their presence on the Japanese population. The
arrangements for their location, support, and employment should be
determined with this in mind.
2. The Post-Treaty Arrangements.
The United States tactical forces should be retained in Japan until
the entrance into effect of a peace treaty. A final U.S. position
concerning the post-treaty arrangements for Japanese military
security should not be formulated until the peace negotiations are
upon us. It should then be formulated in the light of the prevailing
international situation and of the degree of internal stability
achieved in Japan. If Russia has not been extensively weakened and
sobered by that time or if Japanese society still seems excessively
vulnerable in the political sense, we should either postpone the
treaty or insist on a limited remilitarization of Japan, preferably
under U.S. guidance and supervision. But if by that time the Russian
situation should really have changed for the better and if we are
reasonably confident of the internal stability of Japan, we should
aim at a complete demilitarization, guaranteed by an international
treaty of the most explicit and concrete nature, to which the
Russians would be a party.
3. Okinawa.
The United States Government should make up its mind at this point
that it intends to retain permanently the facilities at Okinawa, and
the base there should be developed accordingly. The problem of
obtaining international sanction for our permanent strategic control
of the islands should be studied at once in the Department of
4. The Navy.
The Navy should retain until the peace treaty its present facilities
in Japan. It should shape its policy in the development of the
Yokosuka base in such a way as to favor the retention on a
commercial basis in the post-treaty period of as many as possible of
the facilities it now enjoys there. Meanwhile, it should proceed to
develop to the maximum the possibilities of Okinawa as an advance
naval base, on the assumption that we will remain permanently in
control there.
5. The Japanese Police Establishment.
The Japanese police establishment should be strengthened by the
reinforcing and re-equipping of the present forces, by the creation
[Page 693]
a strong and effective
coast guard, and by the establishment of a central organization,
under American expert supervision, along the lines of our FBI. SANACC should be directed to work out the detailed
directives to SCAP for the
implementation of this recommendation.
iii. the regime of control
1. SCAP.
This Government should not—at this time—propose or consent to any
major change in the regime of control. SCAP should accordingly be formally maintained in all
its existing rights and powers. However, the scope of its operations
should be progressively reduced to a point where its mission will
consist largely of general observation of the activities of the
Japanese Government and of contact with the latter at high levels on
questions of broad governmental policy.
2. FEC.
No move should be made by this Government at this time to terminate
the existence of the FEC. However,
we should begin to discourage the consideration by the FEC of new papers which do not relate
strictly to the execution of the terms of surrender. On matters not
related to the execution of the terms of surrender, this Government
should issue unilateral directives to the Commander-in-Chief in his
capacity as CINCFE. These would
not be called interim directives. However, in matters which do relate to the execution of the terms of
surrender, we should not hesitate to use the interim directive
wherever we fail to obtain prompt action in the FEC.
3. Allied Council.
The Allied Council should be continued, and its functions
iv. occupational policy
1. Relations with the Japanese Government.
Instructions should be given to SCAP
that in the coming period its various sections should take
particular care not to interfere or participate directly in the work
of the Japanese Government or to perform functions which would
normally be the responsibilities of agencies or officials of the
Japanese Government. Its functions should be reduced as rapidly as
possible to those of general supervision; and it should deal with
the Japanese Government, as a rule, only at a high level and on
matters of broad policy. This would apply particularly to the
activities of the Economic and Scientific Section.
2. The Reform Program.
While SCAP should not stand in the
way of reform measures initiated by the Japanese if it finds them
consistent with the overall
[Page 694]
objectives of the occupation, it should be authorized not to
press upon the Japanese Government any further reform legislation.
As for reform measures already taken or in process of preparation by
the Japanese authorities, SCAP
should be authorized steadily but unobtrusively to relax pressure on
the Japanese Government in connection with these reforms, and to
permit the Japanese authorities to proceed in their own way with the
process of implementation.
3. The Purge.
SCAP should be directed gradually
to permit the relaxation of the purge along the following lines: (1)
Categories of persons who have been purged by virtue of their having
held relatively harmless positions should be made re-eligible for
governmental, business and public media positions; (2) certain
others barred from public life should be allowed to have their cases
re-examined on the basis of personal actions rather than on the
basis of positions occupied; and (3) a lower age limit should be
fixed, under which no screening for public office would be
4. Occupation Costs.
Measures should be taken to bring about a drastic reduction in the
costs of the occupation borne by the Japanese Government. If this
cannot be accomplished in any other way, then arrangements should be
made to cover many of the costs of occupation, particularly those
pertaining to personal services, by payment in dollars, which in
turn should be used for financing of Japanese imports.
5. Economic Recovery.
Economic recovery should be made the prime objective of United States
policy in Japan for the coming period. It should be sought through a
combination of a long-term U.S. aid program envisaging shipments
and/or credits on a declining scale over a number of years, and by a
vigorous and concerted effort by all interested agencies and
departments of the United States Government to cut away existing
obstacles to the revival of Japanese foreign trade and to facilitate
the restoration and development of Japan’s exports. Detailed
recommendations concerning the implementation of the latter point
should be worked out between War and State Departments following
Under Secretary Draper’s return to Washington; and White House
authority should be, if necessary, invoked to see that the
cooperation of all agencies and departments of the Government is
enlisted in the implementation of these recommendations.
[Page 695]
6. Reparations.
We should announce that our Government is not prepared to permit the
removal of reparations items from Japan in excess of the existing
30% project; that removals under this project will be restricted to
such as do not materially prejudice the economic recovery of Japan;
and that these removals will have to be completed by July 1, 1949;
that no plants not earmarked for removal under this project will be
retained on the reparations list; and that the United States will
oppose the exaction of reparations from Japan under any future peace
treaty unless a form can be found for such reparations payments
which is practical, economical, favorable to the general economic
development of the Far Eastern area and not burdensome to any single
one of the Allied nations, directly or indirectly. SCAP should then be directed to make
final determination of the facilities subject to removal under the
30% program, and to remove all other plants from the list of those
earmarked for reparations. But it should be required to take care to
see that primary war facilities thus removed from the list are
disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of Japanese
demilitarization. (The above recommendation should be checked and if
possible correlated with the findings of the Draper mission, before
7. Property Matters.
SCAP should be directed to force
the pace of the restoration or final disposal of property of United
Nations members and their nationals in such a way that the process
will be substantially completed by July 1, 1949. It should be the
objective of U.S. policy to have property matters straightened out
in advance of a treaty of peace in order that they may not hamper
treaty negotiations. Meanwhile we should continue our efforts to
obtain an exact listing of Japanese external assets with a view to
setting these off, eventually, against the reparations claims of
FEC countries.
8. Information and Education.
a. Censorship.
Censorship restrictions and delays in the admission of literary
materials to Japan should be removed. Pre-censorship of all matters
printed in Japan should cease. This should not operate, however, to
prevent SCAP from exercising broad
post-censorship supervision and from engaging in
counter-intelligence spot-checking of the mails.
b. Translation and Dissemination of U.S. Books and
SCAP, in his capacity as CINCFE, should be directed by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff to permit the authorized translation and
[Page 696]
in Japan of
U.S. copyrighted literary works. GARIOA
FY 1950 budget should provide for the
shipment of newsprint to Japan.
c. Radio.
We should immediately undertake a regular program of medium-and
long-wave broadcast to Japan from our transmitter station on Saipan.
These programs should be carefully prepared with a view to
developing an understanding and appreciation of American ideas and
at the same time to maintaining as wide a Japanese radio audience as
d. Interchange of Persons.
The interchange between Japan and the United States of scholars,
teachers, lecturers, scientists and technicians should be strongly
encouraged. We should press this matter in the FEC, and failing early action, an
interim directive should be issued to SCAP authorizing bilateral agreements covering such
e. National Education Budget.
The Japanese should be permitted to allocate a higher proportion of
the national budget to educational purposes.
9. War Crimes Trials.
We should press for early deadlines for the termination of the War
Crimes Trials of “A” suspects. We should immediately undertake the
screening of all “B” and “C” suspects with a view to releasing those
whose cases we do not intend to prosecute. The others should be
brought to swift justice.
v. state department representation
As soon as this is practically feasible, and desirable, the
Department of State should send to Tokyo a permanent Political
Representative, with the rank of Ambassador. The functions of this
official would be to advise the Commander-in-Chief on political
matters and to report to the Secretary of State on matters
concerning Japan. The Political Representative would enjoy the
normal facilities for independent communication with the Department
of State. He would not, at least in the initial period, deal
officially with the Japanese Government, although there would be no
restrictions on his informal contact with Japanese government
officials. The Diplomatic Section of GHQ, SCAP should remain in existence, but its functions
should be restricted to those of a protocol and liaison section for
GHQ, SCAP. All normal State
Department functions now performed in the Diplomatic Section,
together with the supervision of the consular establishments in
Japan, should be placed under the Political Representative.
[Page 697]
[Annex 1]
Memoranda of Conversations With General of
the Army Douglas MacArthur
top secret
General MacArthur’s Remarks at Lunch,
March 1, 1948
The Commander-in-Chief spoke of the broad significance of this
occupation of Japan, which he felt was not fully understood at
home. There had been before, in world history, only one example
of a really successful, constructive and enduring job of
military occupation, namely that of Julius Caesar in the
conquered barbarian provinces. This had left its mark on Britain
in certain of the characteristics for which the British people
are famed today. It had left its mark on the French through the
land reforms which still lay at the bases of the independence of
the French farmer.
In Japan, the military defeat had produced a spiritual and
political vacuum. All the old beliefs had been fundamentally
shattered by the outcome of the war. The Japanese people were
thirsting for guidance and inspiration for the future.
The great significance of this occupation lay in the fact that it
was bringing to the Japanese people two great appreciations
which they had never before possessed and which were destined to
revolutionize their thinking, namely democracy and
For the first time in their history the Japanese were now tasting
freedom. Peoples who once learned what freedom and democracy
meant would never willingly return to slavery. They might be
forced to return, but they would not do it willingly. The
Japanese people had vivid and unhappy recollections of
totalitarianism. For that reason they would never willingly
accept Communist domination.
By that he did not mean to say that they would not obey orders if
the Russians were to take them over by military force and use
the usual totalitarian compulsions to require their obedience.
The Japanese were by nature an obedient people and used to
authority and would, of course, immediately shift back to the
old ways in such a situation.
The Japanese Communists were no menace. They now had only four
members in the Diet. These were able men and two of them at
least had been trained in Moscow. It was too bad they were
Communists. They had the ability to accomplish a great deal if
they could be won over from their subservience to Moscow. They
had made an attempt to capture the labor movement, but had been
totally discredited when SCAP
had prevented them from carrying out a strike.
If we had proceeded vigorously one year ago to press for the
[Page 698]
of a peace
treaty, as SCAP liad
recommended, he was sure that the Russians would have come along
and that this achievement, with respect to Japan, might have had
a decisive effect on the whole world situation. Unfortunately
the favorable moment had been missed and the Russians had
started to make trouble. Now they were being supported by the
Chinese, for what motives he was not sure. He thought the
Chinese Government could be brought away from this position. He
had had Dr. Wang2 over here and
talked to him for three days and had so shaken him that he
almost had a fit of apoplexy during the interview. Dr. Wang had
returned to China obviously not certain in his mind as to the
wisdom of continuing the stand the Chinese Government had taken;
but after his return he had apparently again been influenced in
the other direction, probably by American newspaper
correspondents, including the younger Powell.3
Both the Russians and the Chinese had a strong interest in the
eventual conclusion of a peace treaty. For if no treaty were
concluded, the United States might have to remain indefinitely
in this position, and that would end up by Japan becoming within
30 years a real satellite of the U.S. The failure to conclude a
treaty was thereby forcing us into exactly the position that the
Russians were accusing us of occupying. He had pointed this out
to the Chinese Foreign Minister, and it is this which had caused
the Minister such agitation. There was, of course, a possibility
that if China were too hard pressed by Russia she might
eventually come to view the U.S. position in Japan as an asset
to China; but he thought that all in all this was unlikely—that
the Chinese were too short-sighted to understand the advantage
to them of our being here. Therefore he thought that in the end
both the Russians and the Chinese would have to come to terms
about the treaty in order to get us out of Japan; but he did not
know whether this would be in one year or in six.
A great significance lay in the accomplishments of the occupation
of Japan. The Japanese were the most advanced of the Oriental
peoples, and in that capacity they were bound to exercise in the
long run the greatest influence over the others. A billion of
these Oriental peoples lived on the shores of the Pacific.
People in Washington were making a great, though understandable,
mistake in overrating the affairs of Europe and underestimating
those of the Orient. The great events of the next thousand years
would transpire in this area. We had the opportunity, through
the Japanese, to plant the seeds of the appreciation of
Christianity and democracy not only in Japan but throughout the
whole enormous area and to bring to these billion
[Page 699]
people, who might soon
be two billion, the blessings of freedom and of a higher
standard of living. If we accomplished this mission, we might
fundamentally alter the course of world history.
Miscellaneous: The other countries of the Pacific area were very
short-sighted on the subject of trade with Japan. Even our own
country was willing to give a cotton loan but not to accept the
cotton goods which would emerge from it.
The Russians were Orientals under the skin. That was our great
mistake in dealing with them; that we had not realized this and
tried to treat them as Occidentals. Nevertheless, they could not
pass as Orientals among the other Oriental peoples, and
therefore could not exercise great influence in the Far
top secret
Conversation Between General, of the Army
MacArthur and Mr. George F. Kennan, March 5, 1948
Prior to my interview with the General, I sent over to him by
messenger the following statement, accompanied by a note saying
I thought this was a central question on which I believed the
Secretary of State would appreciate having his views.
“However we act in the matter of a peace treaty, there is
little likelihood that a treaty will be concluded,
ratified by the requisite number of states, and put into
effect at any early date. Many months—at least a
year—would almost surely have to elapse before that
could happen.
“That means that we are faced with a further extensive
period, of indefinite duration, during which we will
have to carry on without a treaty.
“Our existing occupational policies are based on the
Potsdam Declaration. But the objectives of the Potsdam
Declaration were really pertinent only to the immediate
post-surrender period. They made provision for the
security of the Allies from Japanese aggression. They
made no provision for the security of the Japanese
islands from aggression, overt or concealed, from
outside. As far as they go, furthermore, these Potsdam
objectives have been substantially achieved. They can
therefore no longer serve as adequate guides into the
“It appears to many of us in Washington that in view of
the developing world situation the keynote of
occupational policy, from here on out, should lie in the
achievement of maximum stability
of Japanese society, in order that Japan may best be
able to stand on her own feet when the protecting hand
is withdrawn. This would seem to mean that the accent
should now be placed on:
- “(a) A firm U.S.
security policy for this area, envisaging both the
coming interim period and the eventual peace
period, and designed
[Page 700]
to give the Japanese adequate
assurance against future military
- “(b) An intensive
program of economic recovery; and
- “(c) A relaxation in
occupational control, designed to stimulate a
greater sense of direct responsibility on the part
of the Japanese Government and to give the
Japanese people greater opportunity to assimilate
in their own way the reform measures already
“Any comment which the Commander-in-Chief might care to
make on the above would be much appreciated.”
The General opened the conversation by thanking me for sending
him this statement and saying that he would be glad to let me
have his views on it.
He began by pointing out the extent to which the Far Eastern
Commission constituted an impediment to any reasonable revision
of our policy at this time. He stated that he had always been
opposed to the FEC and the
Allied Council. He had felt sure that the Russians would never
cooperate helpfully in such bodies and that the others would not
have insisted on these control arrangements if we had opposed
them. They had been originally based, he thought, on a
misconception of the future course and possibilities of our
relations with Russia. Today we had them. The FEC had issued some 50 directives.
General McCoy, who was his old friend, had an aversion to
permitting the use of the veto in the FEC, and the efforts of that body had therefore
been concentrated on getting agreement for agreement’s sake
rather than on the realities of the requirements of the
situation in Japan.
Turning to the question of security, the General outlined his
views on the position of the Pacific area in the pattern of our
national defense. He said that the strategic boundaries of the
United States were no longer along the western shores of North
and South America; they lay along the eastern shores of the
Asiatic continent. Accordingly, our fundamental strategic task
was to make sure that no serious amphibious force could ever be
assembled and dispatched from an Asiatic port. In the past the
center of our defense problem had lain farther south, in the
neighborhood of the Philippines. It had now shifted to the
north, since it was now only toward the north that a threat of
the development of amphibious power could mature.
The General then described the area of the Pacific in which, in
his opinion, it was necessary for us to have striking force.
This was a U-shaped area embracing the Aleutians, Midway, the
former Japanese mandated islands, Clark Field in the
Philippines, and above all Okinawa. Okinawa was the most
advanced and vital point in this
[Page 701]
structure. From Okinawa he could easily
control every one of the ports of northern Asia from which an
amphibious operation could conceivably be launched. This was
what was really essential. Naval facilities were important; but
the air striking power was vital for the purpose in question.
With adequate force at Okinawa, we would not require the
Japanese home islands for the purpose of preventing the
projection of amphibious power from the Asiatic mainland. That
did not mean, of course, that it was not important to us to see
that the strategic facilities of the Japanese islands remained
denied to any other power. All the islands of the Western
Pacific were of vital importance to us.
For these reasons, he attached great importance to Okinawa, and
felt it absolutely necessary that we retain unilateral and
complete control of the Ryukyu chain south of Latitude 29. The
people were not Japanese, and had never been assimilated when
they had come to the Japanese main islands. The Japanese looked
down on them. He had been obliged to evacuate a half million of
them back to the Ryukyus, as one of the first acts of
occupational policy. They were simple and good natured people,
who would pick up a good deal of money and have a reasonably
happy existence from an American base development in the
He regretted that we had not adopted a firm and permanent policy
of base development at Okinawa. This had reflected unfavorably
on the morale and efficiency of the forces stationed there. He
pointed out that we had complete unilateral control of the
Ryukyus at this time. They were not under SCAP authority but were under the
authority of the Far East Command. They were therefore today
entirely in our power and under our flag and no one could force
us to release them without our consent.
As for the Japanese islands, he did not believe that it would be
feasible for us to retain bases anywhere in Japan after the
conclusion of a treaty of peace. For us to do so would be to
admit the equally legitimate claim of others to do likewise. He
could assure me that the others would be only too anxious to
take advantage of this. Not only the Russians but the other
Allies would want some sort of base on Japanese territory. The
only way to prevent this was for us to keep out.
As for the needs of our Navy, this was the one subject on which
he felt some doubts about the adequacy of his own knowledge of
the problem. He uderstood the Navy’s desire to have facilities
in this area and appreciated the necessity for it. He realized
that the Navy did not like the prospect of making Okinawa its
advance base, principally because the island was swept by
typhoons and did not provide adequate protection, not to mention
the absence of the usual port development. He felt, however,
that these difficulties could be overcome. It
[Page 702]
would be possible to build a
breakwater which would give better protection to vessels lying
there; and it would always be possible for them to stand out to
sea if necessary, under typhoon conditions.
Turning then to the question of economic recovery, the General
said that he agreed with the view that this should be made a
primary objective of occupational policy but did not know what
he could do today that he was not already doing to achieve it.
The problem depended, in the main, on the development of foreign
trade. The other Far Eastern countries were shamelessly selfish
and negative in their attitude toward Japan. This was perhaps
understandable but nonetheless regrettable. He had been able to
make some impression on Evatt, when he was here, but he had no
doubt that he would begin to backslide when he had been back in
Australia for some time. Our real problem was therefore to
overcome these inhibitions on the part of the other Far Eastern
countries and to get Japan started again as a processing and
trading nation. He hoped that the revolving fund would help and
that things would soon begin to pick up.
Turning to the last of the three points that I had mentioned, he
said that actually much less control had been exerted over the
Japanese Government than was generally supposed in the U.S. The
provisions in the constitution, for example, renouncing for all
time the employment of armed force, were the result of a
Japanese initiative and nothing that he had forced upon them. He
really felt that the outcome of the war had had a profound
effect on Japanese psychology and that their renunciation of
armed power reflected not a catering to the wishes of SCAP but a reaction to a
tremendous national experience.
As for the Zaibatsu, it was really not true that the men who had
been eliminated from influence were persons of superior
competence. His Headquarters had received many communications
from Japanese thanking them for getting rid of these elderly
incompetents and opening the way for better men. Anyone who knew
personally the men who were eliminated through the
deconcentration program would appreciate that they were the
counterparts of the most effete New York club men.
Actually, the brains of Japan had been in the armed forces. He
regretted that it had been necessary to eliminate all those
brains from public life. But this had not been his choice. This
had been one of the first directives he had received from the
U.S. Government concerning occupational policies. It had been
embodied in the Potsdam Declaration.
As for the other reform measures, he thought they were almost
completed. Another three or four months should see the process
substantially wound up. The Civil Service reform was the only
important out
[Page 703]
measure. When this had been implemented we might indeed be able
to relax and permit the measures already taken to be
assimilated. The economic purge, he emphasized, was not as
extreme a program as many people thought. It involved no
confiscation of property. SCAP
was determined to see that fair prices were paid for the
holdings which were being broken up.
Actually, the reform programs he had conducted had not been
nearly as drastic as had been suggested by the directives he had
received from Washington.
He realized that to some extent our occupational policies had
been influenced by academic theorizers of a left-wing variety,
at home and in Tokyo. He felt that there was a group of them in
the Department of State. He said he also had a few of these in
his own shop but he did not think they did much harm. He was
planning soon to cut down on the SCAP section which had been most concerned with the
subjects which were of interest to these elements and he thought
that the problem would be adequately taken care of.
As for the question of a treaty of peace, all he could say was
“I’m damned if I know.” He had hoped that it could at least have
been possible by this time to put a lot of people around the
table and start them negotiating. He realized that it would take
many months for them to finish. He was sure that the Chinese
could be won over with a certain amount of pressure, but he was
not sure about the Russians. And he did not know whether it
would be advisable for us to press for a treaty without the
The General then asked whether I had any further questions or any
specific points on which I would like him to elaborate further.
He emphasized that he was completely at my disposal and would be
happy to tell me his thoughts on any subject I might be
interested in.
I said that I appreciated the difficulty with regard to the
FEC; in fact, I, too, had
never been sanguine about it at the time of its establishment.
But it did seem to me that there might be a way in which we
could handle the problem presented by its authority. I pointed
out that the terms of the reference of the FEC called upon it only to outline
policies for the implementation of the terms of surrender. In
the light of the wording of the surrender terms, this meant in
effect the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration. However, the
terms of the Potsdam Declaration were substantially carried out
at the present time, and what remained to be done to affect
their complete accomplishment could be done in a very short
time. This meant that in actuality the policy-making functions
of the FEC were substantially
completed. They could not be taken to relate to the period
following the execution of the terms of surrender. We would be
entirely within our rights in
[Page 704]
declining to agree to FEC directives which attempted to
go beyond this limit.
I added that of course we could not change the regime of control
without the agreement of the other countries in FEC, nor could we abolish the
FEC itself; but we could
easily render it quiescent, and permit it to languish as long as
we pleased.
The General seemed much impressed with this suggestion and said
that he believed that I had found the answer. It appealed to him
strongly, and he thought it was exactly the right line for us to
take. He said that he could easily certify to the FEC countries within a very short
time that the surrender terms had been carried out.
I explained that under this concept our position would be as
follows: “The terms of the surrender have been executed;
therefore the policymaking functions of FEC are exhausted. We cannot, however, abolish the
regime of control, insofar as it relates to the occupation of
Japan, until we have a treaty of peace. In other words, the
occupation is continued, not for the enforcement of the
execution of the terms of surrender, but to bridge the hiatus in
the status of Japan caused by the failure of the Allies to agree
on a treaty of peace.” Under such a concept, the occupying
forces in Japan would become essentially garrison forces rather
than the sanctions for the enforcement of the surrender terms.
This being the case, the Far Eastern Command would naturally be
retained, and we would continue to station in Japan such forces
as we thought suitable to the requirements of the situation.
I pointed out that actually, this would probably have the effect
of forcing the Russians to come to the council table and
negotiate, for it would make it evident to them that failure to
do that would merely enable us to remain in Japan indefinitely
as a military power without being subject to the authority of
the FEC. It was to the FEC, after all, that the Russians
had looked for a channel of interference and restraint which
could prevent the success of any constructive American policies
in Japan. If the FEC could no
longer serve as an instrument of Allied policy, I thought the
Russians would take a different view of the problem of a peace
treaty. We would then have them over a barrel; for they would
either have to agree to the type of treaty we liked or consent
to see us remain indefinitely in Japan with our military
The General said he agreed with this, and it would play a great
part not only with the Russians but with the others.
I then said that I hoped we could use the intervening period to
wind up as many as possible of the troublesome technical
problems arising out of the war, in order that they might not
have to encumber the treaty of peace. If we could liquidate such
problems as restitution,
[Page 705]
property custodianship, reparations, we could shorten the
treaty by a great deal and simplify the process of its
negotiation. I said that I thought long and legally involved
agreements were by all means things to be avoided if possible,
particularly when dealing with people like the Russians who had
absolutely no understanding for them. I said that the Russians,
whose concepts of property were as primitive as those of a crow,
simply didn’t know what you meant by intricate legal provisions
on property liquidation and similar subjects. I thought the
treaty should not only be as brief as possible but have as
little as possible of the punitive and excoriatory element to
it. It should, in my opinion, be short, general, and
inoffensive, and should constitute a pat on the back and a
gesture of confidence to the Japanese as they move in to a new
To this also, the General indicated his complete concurrence.
I referred to the question of reparations and said that I had
been much impressed with the briefing which General
had given us on this subject. To me, it was incomprehensible how
people could have seriously believed that the concepts
underlying our approach to this question to date could ever have
had a satisfactory practical application. Today, the whole
question was almost hopelessly snarled up. I thought only
something in the nature of a firm surgical incision could bring
about any satisfactory solution of it.
The General said that he agreed with this view and he proceeded
to speak at length, and with some vehemence, about the
impracticability of the reparations program. The plants in
question were almost without exception in a state of
deterioration and obsolescence. Only limited portions of them
could be physically removed. It would cost large sums of money
and large amounts of badly needed materials to pack them and to
transport them to ship’s side. Then there was the unsolved
question of the shipping to move them to the recipient
countries. Finally, none of these other countries was in a
position to make any effective use of such facilities. One
needed not only the machines but many other things which could
not be shipped with them; the locations, the labor, the power,
and the buildings. He could see in his mind’s eye these Japanese
machines lying and rusting on the docks at Shanghai, and he was
absolutely certain that only a negligible portion of them would
ever be used to any good effect. Meanwhile, he had already found
it necessary to turn some of them to other uses, and they were
helping in the problem of Japanese recovery. This, too, should
not be interrupted. But more important than this was the effect
of the uncertainty created for the Japanese owners concerning
the future
[Page 706]
of these
properties. This uncertainty constituted an intolerable drag on
economic recovery, for which the U.S. people were footing the
The General felt that our Government had no choice but to declare
flatly that while it would proceed with the 30% program already
in process of implementation, nothing beyond that point could be
reconciled with our other obligations and responsibilities in
Japan in the coming period, and we were thereby obliged to make
it clear that there would be no reparations from Japan in excess
of the 30% program, as long as our responsibilities in these
matters had not been resolved by a treaty of peace.
I added that I hoped we could find some way to make a similar
surgical incision on the property questions. At the present
rate, we would be many years liquidating the properties for
which we had accepted custody. I thought that we might have to
fix firm and rather drastic time limits for the presentation of
claims on certain categories of property, with a view to getting
this whole question wound up and settled before we were obliged
to enter into a treaty of peace.
This concluded our discussion on policy matters. I thanked the
General for his patience and his extremely helpful comments and
told him that I would not take up any more of his time for these
matters. He insisted, however, that he would see me again before
I left Japan.
top secret
Conversation Between General of the Army
MacArthur, Under Secretary of the Army Draper, and Mr.
George F. Kennan, March 21, 1948 (Amended March 23, 1948)
The following are notes covering matter discussed at a conference
in General MacArthur’s office beginning at 6:00 p. m., 21 March
1948. Present: General MacArthur, Under Secretary of the Army
Draper, Mr. George Kennan and Brigadier General C. V. R.
A. Rearmament of Japan
General Draper stated that although Secretary Royall has not yet
formulated an opinion, nevertheless, there is a general trend in
recent War Department thinking toward the early establishment of
a small defensive force for Japan, to be ready at such time as
U.S. occupation forces leave the country. He asked for General
MacArthur’s opinion.
General MacArthur replied that this question is a fundamental
one. It involves consideration of a number of factors, all of
which bear directly upon the problem. He stated that he had very
definite views on the subject but emphasized that since he was
not familiar with the
[Page 707]
strategic thinking of the Army Department and other high
echelons, his views were necessarily based on local
considerations. He stated the first related matter bearing on
the problem is the question of proper timing for a peace treaty.
General MacArthur said that this matter was first brought into
prominence by President Truman himself, who over one year ago,
publicly announced his urgent desire for early action to secure
a treaty. Evatt of Australia, promptly supported the President;
General MacArthur, three months later, added his support also.
At that time, all Far Eastern nations, except possibly Soviet
Russia, were eager for a treaty. General MacArthur said he
himself approached their local representatives and found this to
be their attitude. He felt that Soviet Russia also would have
agreed since at that time the Veto question in its relation to
peace treaty procedures had not become an issue, United
States-Soviet international differences had not yet been aired
publicly; and the Communists had suffered numerous local
reverses in Japan itself, which made them feel it highly
desirable to get rid of SCAP at
the very earliest possible date. Apparently the treaty question
became entangled with numerous other international issues; delay
followed delay, until eventually the opportunity was lost.
Today, General MacArthur said, the problem is entirely different.
China, which a year ago considered herself dominant in the Far
East, is now weakened by internal strife. Naturally she now
refuses to support any measures which would tend to advance
Japan toward that position of leadership which China herself
expected to occupy. Undoubtedly, were China to participate in a
peace treaty conference now, she would insist upon punitive and
restrictive clauses which would effectually hamstring further
Japanese recovery. It is obvious that the U.S.S.R. also would
obstruct the conclusion of any peace treaty which could possibly
be acceptable to the United States. In the present state of
international tension, Russia is interested primarily in
weakening our leadership in this part of the world and in
causing political embarrassment to us. She certainly would not
agree to any treaty which would establish Japan as an economic
entity oriented toward the United States.
General MacArthur said that despite these present difficulties he
felt we should still strive to arrange an early peace treaty
conference even if it should be necessary to exclude Russia
therefrom. He said that the U.S. would have nothing to lose from
such a conference, and we would probably gain considerably if we
could achieve unanimity of approach toward the problem on the
part of all nations except Russia. He felt that, if properly
pressured, even China could be brought into line. He said he
recognized that no such treaty could be considered as coming
into force without Russian agreement, but that
[Page 708]
nevertheless a common solution
agreed upon by all other nations would do much toward persuading
Russia eventually to go along. He said that the international
situation naturally requires that the U.S. retain occupation
forces in Japan for the present and that we should recognize
that the final solution of the peace treaty problem must await
resolution of the current United States-Soviet impasse. He said
we certainly should never withdraw our occupation forces so long
as Russia could technically find an excuse to move in. The
presence of our troops here is not so much to assure adequate
defense of Japanese territory, as to provide visible evidence to
the Japanese people of our continued support, and of our refusal
to permit the forces of Communism to make further advances in
their country.
General MacArthur said that in this connection, he had heard
informally of certain Army Department thinking which advocated a
change to over-all civilian control in Japan; with occupation
forces restricted to certain base areas and under separate
command. He said he felt any such conception is completely
unrealistic. He said the Japanese people would never accord full
obedience to a civilian administrator. They would more and more
openly refuse to cooperate with our occupation forces and, with
the accompanying loss of prestige thus engendered, we would soon
find ourselves reduced to relative impotency. He said the
present SCAP arrangement has
proved highly successful, it has been accepted by the Japanese
and is equally acceptable to all nations of the Far Eastern
Commission, except possibly, Soviet Russia. Therefore, he
strongly recommends that so long as we propose to maintain any
form of control in Japan, we retain SCAP essentially as presently organized.
General MacArthur then passed to a discussion of the possibility
of organizing a Japanese Force, to take over after the peace treaty. He said he was unalterably
opposed to any such plan, primarily for the following reasons:
(1) In attempting any such organization we would be acting
directly contrary to many of our most solemn international
commitments. Especially, we would alienate the nations of the
Far Eastern basin, all of whom are still mortally fearful of a
remilitarized Japan. (2) Japanese rearmament is contrary to many
of the fundamental principles which have guided SCAP ever since the Japanese
surrender. Under these principles militarism has been eliminated
and armament industries destroyed. Abandonment of these
principles now would dangerously weaken our prestige in Japan,
and would place us in a ridiculous light before the Japanese
people. (3) Even our best efforts toward rearming Japan would
result in establishing her as no more than a fifth-rate military
power. With Japanese war potential in Korea, Manchuria and North
China gone, with her outer island
[Page 709]
bastions taken from her, and her merchant
marine reduced to a small fraction of its previous size; Japan
could not hope to defend herself against attack from an outside
power. She would, under such conditions, constitute only a
tempting morsel, to be gobbled up by Soviet Russia at her
pleasure. (4) Japan is now struggling for her economic
existence. Even with our assistance including considerable
material aid, she is piling up a deficit. If the cost of
maintaining armed forces were added to her other expenses, it is
most improbable that Japan would ever be able to survive
economically. (5) The Japanese themselves are no longer willing
to support an armed force. They have sincerely and
unconditionally renounced war as an instrument of policy. They
have learned, to their sorrow, the results of having a military
clique dominant in this country. They would not be willing to
establish an armed force of their own unless we forced them into
it. This we should not do.
General MacArthur here pointed out that if we wish to defend
Japanese territory from external aggression we must depend
primarily upon Air power rather than upon an Army and Navy. He
said that with adequate Air power based upon Okinawa, we could
protect Japan from outside attack. He dwelt further upon the
strategic importance of Okinawa; pointing out that the
California coast is now no longer our outer line of defense.
This line now passes through the Marianas, the Ryukyus and the
Aleutians, with Okinawa as its key bastion. The line has
advanced outposts on its southern flank in the Philippines,
Australia and the British and Dutch islands adjacent thereto.
Its northern outpost is Japan. He said that all of the nations
except Russia fully recognize the military importance of Okinawa
to the United States, and desire that we retain it as a military
stronghold. He said that Australia and New Zealand,
particularly, wish to see us powerfully ensconsed therein,
feeling that such a position assures their own defense far more
efficiently than they themselves could ever hope to do. He
pointed out that Okinawa has adequate space to provide for the
operation of a powerful and effective Air Force, which could
assure the destruction of enemy forces or harbor facilities
along the Asiatic coast from Vladivostok to Singapore. He said,
therefore, that by properly developing and garrisoning Okinawa we can assure the safety of Japan
against external aggression without the need for maintaining
forces on Japanese soil. He emphasized again, that we should
retain these occupation forces until the peace
treaty only, as a means of insuring internal order, and
in order to impress upon the Japanese people the fact that we
are not deserting them. General MacArthur strongly urged that in
the light of these considerations, the U.S. reach a decision now to remain in Okinawa and that we
[Page 710]
adequate funds
at once to the necessary construction for a permanent
B. Report of Overseas
Consultants Incorporated
General Draper stated that the report of Overseas Consultants
Inc. covering the subject of Japanese reparations, had recently
been furnished the Army Department. He said that Secretary
Royall would appreciate General MacArthur’s views concerning the
soundness of this report.
General MacArthur spoke most emphatically upon this subject. He
said that he had not yet seen the report but had talked at
length with the authors during their six months visit to Japan
while they were accumulating data for the report. He said that
he felt the whole approach to the Reparations problem, and
particularly the discussion upon this matter within the Far
Eastern Commission, was so totally unrealistic as not to warrant
his detailed attention. He said that in war booty Japan has
already paid over fifty billion dollars by virtue of her lost
properties in Manchuria, Korea, North China and the outer
islands. With this loss, together with the destruction in Japan
proper, she has suffered proportionately far more than any other
nation in modern times which has waged war and still survived.
He said it was only by the forceful leadership of SCAP since the surrender, that
economic disintegration has been avoided. Even now, the Japanese
are still piling up a huge dollar and yen deficit which there is
little hope of liquidating for many years to come. Japanese
monetary currency is valueless outside the country. Her foreign
trade is still at a standstill; she is still largely dependent
upon U.S. support and the generosity of the American people. The
Japanese people are working very hard. They are cooperating with
SCAP to the fullest. They
are doing everything which could be humanly expected of them
under the circumstances. Nevertheless, even by utilizing to the
fullest all those facilities which are still left to Japan, she
cannot hope to achieve a balanced economy before 1953, at the
earliest. Except for actual war facilities, there is a critical
need in Japan for every tool, every factory, and practically
every industrial installation which she now has. General
MacArthur considers that if we are to expect in the foreseeable
future, to be able to remove the burden of Japanese recovery
from the backs of American taxpayers, then it is utterly
fantastic to reduce further Japanese economic potential by
additional removal of industrial equipment for reparations
purposes. He said that any such action is merely a camouflage
method of subsidizing other nations from the U.S. He said that
the present thirty percent program in which SCAP is now engaged, involves
reparations deliveries only of machine tools
[Page 711]
and of a few other items, such as
synthetic rubber plants, which have no place in the future
Japanese economy. He said that these deliveries should be
completed, but that decision should be made now to abandon
entirely the thought of further reparations. Moreover, he said
that the U.S. should see to it that in providing further aid to
China, in establishing our ERP
program and in affording other assistance to Foreign Nations, we
require written agreement from such nations to the renunciation
of all claims for future Japanese reparations.
C. Military Aid to China
General Draper said that Secretary Royall would appreciate an
expression of opinion from General MacArthur as to whether or
not the U.S. should provide additional military aid to
General MacArthur replied that he had a very definite opinion on
this matter. He said this opinion was not based upon first-hand
knowledge of the situation, since he had not been in China in
recent years; but rather on a general knowledge of conditions
and on his understanding of the problems of the Orient. He said
he considered the situation in China today as deteriorating, but
not yet hopeless. He advocates release at once to the Chinese
Government, of all U.S. military surpluses in the Pacific Area.
This release should be a gift—not a sale. He feels certain there
are large reserves of equipment still available and that such
equipment will be considered obsolete for American Forces by the
time another war comes. He said he himself does not expect to
fight in Japan, and if he does, he has sufficient reserve
equipment under his control in Japan to take care of his own
Also General MacArthur said that we should “take the wraps off”
our present advisory mission to the Chinese Government; we
should tell it to get going, using all means in its power to
advise the Chinese military and to train China’s forces. We
should settle at once those difficulties between the Army and
Navy which now hinder the usefulness of our mission, and we
should remove that doubt which now exists as to how far they can
go in their activities. General MacArthur stated we should also
furnish advisors to other branches of the Chinese Government and
we should send officers to supervise the delivery to the Field
Forces, of the equipment which we donate. He said we should also
provide moderate economic and financial assistance, at the same
time instituting reasonable control measures to insure the most
effective utilization of this assistance, which is practicable
in the circumstances. He said we must realize that China’s
methods are inefficient and many key officials are corrupt.
Nevertheless, he feels that we would have everything to gain and
very little to lose by furnishing moderate support to the
Chinese Government at this critical time. He feels we should
back up this government to the maximum practicable extent,
[Page 712]
short of provoking
actual hostilities with Soviet Russia. He is somewhat doubtful
of the eventual outcome, since he is not certain that China’s
Field Commanders still retain the “will to fight”. Nevertheless,
under the circumstances, he feels that all-out aid to China at
this time is decidedly a worthwhile gamble for the United
[Annex 2]
Explanatory Notes by Mr. George F. Kennan,
March 25, 1948
top secret
[Here follows repetition of Recommendations, together with
discussion point by point, not printed, except for the following
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. 2. The Post-Treaty
General MacArthur feels strongly that the only acceptable permanent solution to the problem of
Japanese security is complete demilitarization under an
effective international guarantee. He considers that until the
peace treaty is concluded and until such a guarantee comes into
existence, Allied forces must remain in Japan. If there should
be a treaty of peace but not a treaty of demilitarization, he
considers that Allied forces should remain even after the entry
into effect of the peace treaty, until such time as a
demilitarization agreement is concluded. He is then content to
see Japanese security rest on such a demilitarization treaty, to
which the Russians would be a party. He believes that when the
Russians put their signature to something clear and explicit,
they will remain faithful to their word. He is not worried about
indirect aggression by political penetration. He considers that
the Japanese people are strongly averse to Communism and will
not accept it.
I am unable to agree with a portion of this pattern of thought. I
consider that it would be psychologically unsound to retain any
of the occupation after the entry into effect of the peace
treaty. I would not trust Russian good faith in the observance
of any treaty of demilitarization of Japan, unless Russia were
considerably weaker and more restrained in her immediate aims
and policies than is the case today. Even then, I would trust it
only for the period of Russia’s prospective weakness. Finally, I
do not think that Japan’s powers of resistance to Communism can
be taken for granted. To the Communists, the problem of
capturing Japan is not a problem of winning over the favor of
the majority of the Japanese people. It is a problem of
[Page 713]
society and seizing its key positions. At present, it looks to
me as though Japanese society were decidedly vulnerable to such
attacks. Its vulnerability can presumably be reduced by
appropriate occupational policies on our part in the coming
period. But we cannot be sure of their results until we can
observe them. There are no automatic and foolproof cures for
this type of weakness.
I agree strongly with General MacArthur that Japan must not be
left defenseless in the period before the conclusion of a treaty
of peace. It is with respect to the period subsequent to the
entry into effect of the treaty that my views diverge from
World conditions are now in a state of extreme flux. Plainly, we
are not going to have a treaty, or even proceed to the
negotiation of a treaty, for some time. We do not know today
what the situation of Russia will be when the time comes to
negotiate the treaty. Yet this will be the decisive point. If
Russia still presents the same sort of threat to world security
that she presents today, then I see only two alternatives:
either we must not have the treaty at all and retain allied
troops in Japan or we must permit Japan to re-arm to the extent
that it would no longer constitute an open invitation to
military aggression. If, on the other hand—as I consider
possible—the course of events should have served to weaken
Russia’s military-political potential and to take off the
aggressive edge of Russian policy, and if there were to be a
good prospect that this situation would endure for some time,
then we might proceed to the negotiation of a treaty of
demilitarization and place our reliance upon that treaty to
assure Japanese military security. We would still have to make
sure that Japanese society was not too vulnerable politically,
however, before we could take this step.
It is clear from the above that we cannot make a decision on this
point at the present time. This decision will have to be taken
later, in the light of prevailing circumstances. However, we
should have it prominently in mind throughout the coming period,
and we should observe developments closely from this
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IV. 5. Recovery
The Draper Mission, now being in Tokyo for the express purpose of
studying these economic matters, it seems unnecessary to attempt
to advance detailed recommendations at this time.
The suggestion for a long-term aid program on a declining scale
is put forward here as the most effective means at our disposal
for promoting Japan’s economic recovery and the only device
which seems to have any chance of exerting upon the Japanese
Government the discipline required to carry it over to a
position of complete responsibility for its own affairs.
[Page 714]
As for foreign trade, there is no single measure which our
authorities can take which would alone radically alter the
existing situation or advance in a major way the prospects for
the revival of Japan’s trade with other countries. The main
difficulties still lie with the reluctance of other Far Eastern
countries to accept Japanese goods. But there are a number of
individual measures which it lies within the power of our
Government as a whole to take and which, in their entirety,
could improve considerably the chances for progress along these
lines. The difficulty here is that so many different departments
and agencies of the Government are involved that only a
Presidential directive would seem to have much prospect of
getting the needed cross-section of cooperation.
Among the measures which I would consider as coming under this
category would be the following:
establishment of a yen-dollar exchange rate;
permitting Japanese trade representatives to travel
establishment in Tokyo of foreign trade missions of
countries not already represented;
re-negotiation of the Cotton Credit loan to extend the
period of repayment;
establishment of the Revolving Fund;
reestablishment of facilities for the permanent residence
of foreign businessmen in Japan;
simplification of the procedure for clearance of foreign
trade transactions and the removal of duplication of
Japanese Government functions on the part of SCAP;
encouragement of private loans to Japanese business;
determination of policy on patents, trademarks and
utility models;
restoration of business property to United Nations
nationals in Japan.
6. Reparations
The deleterious effect of the unresolved reparations program on
Japanese industry cannot be overemphasized. In every category of
plant subject to reparations removal—aircraft, arsenals,
munitions, laboratories, chemicals, shipbuilding, iron and
steel, oil, synthetic rubber, machine tools, etc.—there are some
plants now engaged in turning out products which are either
vital to the recovery of Japan, or at least completely unrelated
to war manufacturing. Thus some arsenals are now, as before the
war, repairing and manufacturing rolling stock; some aircraft
plants are manufacturing electrical equipment and automotive
parts; some shipbuilding yards are turning out fishing vessels,
ferries, generators and spare parts. The closing down of these
industries would throw many hundreds of thousands of Japanese
out of work. For example, the Osaka shipyards, which are
designated for removals, at present employ 60,000 persons.
[Page 715]
Plants scheduled for removals face an uneasy future. No outlays
are being made for capital improvements. For lack of security,
banks refuse to finance earmarked plants. Although the Japanese
Government is required to pay the maintenance costs of
designated plants, the burden often falls upon the companies
themselves through failure of a near-bankrupt government to
repay them. Many designated plants capable of producing
essential items are now turning out lines of useless products in
a get-rich-quick spirit.
Altogether about a thousand Japanese plants, both integrated and
non-integrated facilities, have been earmarked for removals, but
only about 20 of these plants have so far been subjected to
actual removal of some of their equipment. Despite the minute
proportion of the reparations program so far completed, the
costs involved in the maintenance and custody of the plants
designated for removals have been enormous. Maintenance costs
alone involve the reconditioning (painting, greasing, etc.),
replacement, blueprinting of all items individually, and, where
related, collectively. Damaged plants must be rebuilt to the
extent that weatherproofing is assured. I Corps Headquarters
engineers have estimated that the cost of packing, transferring,
and loading on board ship of the average item so far removed
from the Osaka Arsenal is 3.5 times its present-day value. These
same engineers have pointed out that the Chinese and Filipino
reparations representatives have admitted that their countries
want the selected items principally for the packing materials
Years would be required, under present conditions, to dismantle,
pack, ship, unpack, and reassemble removed items. In the
process, parts will be lost and damaged, and it will be
necessary to find spare parts and power sources. General
Harrison, Chief of SCAP’s
Reparations Section, informed me that there is totally
inadequate shipping available for the purpose of transporting
even the 1.6 million tons of equipment scheduled for removal
under the interim program. In the case of China he estimates
that it will require about 20 years, with the shipping now
available, to transfer her requested share from Japan. In the
meantime this equipment will either be maintained by the
Japanese at a huge cost or left to deteriorate beyond the point
of repair. If and when transferred to claimant countries (such
as China and the Philippines) which lack technicians, skilled
labor and power sources, the reparations equipment will in many
instances be consigned to scrap or remain unused.
Reparations have been justified on the grounds that they will
neutralize Japan as a future military threat and that they will
provide Far Eastern countries with equipment which will
contribute to their recovery. With her army, navy and air force
abolished, her fighting
[Page 716]
equipment scuttled, her overseas empire liquidated, and 30%
of her home industries destroyed, others damaged, and the
remainder largely obsolete, Japan cannot be regarded as a
potential military threat in the predictable future. The control
of her sources of critical raw materials, if carefully
conducted, would be a far more effective measure against
military resurgence than an extensive system of reparations
It is absurd to suppose that many of the facilities tentatively
scheduled for removal from Japan could ever be effectively
utilized in other Far Eastern countries or could contribute in
this way to the basic recovery of the Far East. Viewed
realistically, the reparations program might license the
squandering of the wealth of the one country in the Far East
capable of producing goods upon which that whole area must so
heavily depend—textiles, rolling stock, spare parts, fishing
vessels, etc.—just as Japan must depend upon the others for raw
materials, especially foodstuffs.
Admittedly we have a serious problem before us in the attitude of
certain of the other FEC
countries, whose governments want reparations deliveries for any
number of reasons except those of practical utility, and have
been led by us to expect that they would receive them. It is
probably best not to terminate all deliveries abruptly. The
implementation of the recommendations put forward above will
call for careful diplomatic preparation; and even at that we
must expect a few outraged complaints in the FEC. But the fact remains that the
idea of removing industrial equipment from Japan for shipment to
other Far Eastern countries, as conceived in the reparations
schemes discussed to date, is—without overstatement—sheer
nonsense from the practical standpoint and basically
inconsistent with the requirements of Japanese recovery.
Now it is we who are responsible for the occupation of Japan. It
is we who pay in dollars and cents for its failures and its
inconsistencies. It is mainly upon our
future foreign relations that any frivolities of occupational
policy will eventually wreak their revenge. This being the case,
the realistic thinking and leadership in matters of the
occupation must come from us, if it is to come from anywhere.
The others have neither the incentive nor, in most cases, the
sense of responsibility, to view these things incisively and
dispassionately from the standpoint of an enlightened
comprehension of the long-term needs of peace and stability in
the Far East.
It is true that we have gone along, up to this time, with all
these unrealistic concepts about the removal of Japanese
industrial facilities for reparations. In fact, we are probably
more responsible than anyone else for the currency which these
concepts have gained in the
[Page 717]
allied community. But there are times and
situations when a frank confession of error is the only healthy
course. We are too often inclined to forget that it is the right
of any government, as any individual, to change its mind upon
due reflection. But when persistence in a course of error has
literally nothing to commend it but a desire to avoid
embarrassment, then the change of mind is not only a right: it
is a duty.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. War Crimes Trials
In accordance with the Potsdam Declaration, an FEC policy decision was reached in
April 1946, empowering SCAP to
appoint special international military courts representative of
any two or more of the FEC
member countries to try: those who planned and waged a war of
aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, etc.
(Category “A”); those who violated the laws and customs of war
(Category “B”); those responsible for inhumane acts against
civilian population (Category “C”).
The only indictment so far made of Category “A” war criminals was
filed with the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
on April 29, 1946 against 28 persons. The International
Prosecution Section of SCAP
finished the presentation of evidence on January 24, 1947 and
the defense began its presentation of evidence on February 24,
1947, expecting to rest its case in May, 1948. The trial will
then have been in process more than two years. Of the 28 persons
brought to trial, two have died natural deaths and one has been
declared insane.
Although the above mentioned FEC
policy decision implies otherwise, Category “B” and “C”
criminals found in Japan are being prosecuted by the Legal
Section of SCAP Headquarters
before Eighth Army Military Commissions in Yokohama. As of March
18, 1948, 237 cases involving 583 persons were completed.
Remaining on trial were ten cases involving 80 persons. The
number of cases awaiting trial, in which charges and
specifications have already been filed, was 54 involving 165
Countenancing as they have the parade of thousands of witnesses,
the examination of hundreds of thousands of documents, the
exhaustive hearing of all evidence and counter-evidence by both
the prosecution and the defense, the War Crimes Trials have been
hailed as the ultimate in international justice. There is no
gain saying the fact that the trials have been procedurally thoroughly correct, according to our
concepts of justice, and that at no time in history have
conquerors conferred upon the vanquished such elaborate
opportunities for the public defense and for vindication of
their military acts.
[Page 718]
Nevertheless, there is no question in my mind but what these
trials were profoundly misconceived from the start and are
working increasing injury to the Allied cause in Japan. The
reasons are several.
- 1.
- There is really no law on which such judicial
procedure can be founded. There is a law of common
humanity which proscribes acts of inhumanity against
captives or other helpless persons in wartime. The Class
“B” trials rest on that law. But there is no crime of an
international nature involved in the services which an
individual renders to his own state as a public servant.
The state, as such, stands responsible for its own
policies; the vicissitudes of peace or war are its
trial. And in the case of Japan, the judgment is now
being enacted through the disaster which has befallen
the entire country in consequence of the loss of the
war. This is not to say that the victor does not have
the right to punish individual leaders of the defeated
nation. But the punishment should take place as an act
of war, not of justice; and it should not be surrounded
with the hocus-pocus of a judicial procedure which
belies its real nature.
- 2.
- It is a rule with peoples, as with individuals, that
punishment, if it is to have any exemplary effect, must
be swift and incisive and must follow immediately on the
heels of the offense. A delayed and long-protracted
punishment (and what else are these interminable
trials?) loses its effect on both the victim and the
public. The Japanese public has long since ceased to
feel any reactions toward the trials other than one of
sympathy for these fellow Japanese who are forced to sit
through these endless and humiliating ordeals which have
so little to do with anything that anyone in Japan can
understand. It would have been much better received and
understood if we had shot these people out of hand at
the time of the surrender.
- 3.
- The persons conducting the prosecution and defense
are, for the most part, not fitted for this task. These
are political trials. The medium in which these people
are working is politics, and international politics at
that—not law. Only persons deeply versed in the history
and practice of international relations could be at home
in this medium. Legal experience at home is of itself no
qualification whatsoever for this work. Yet that appears
to have been the only criterion by which these people
were chosen.
- 4.
- The spectacle of American lawyers defending the
policies of past Japanese Governments, in order to
improve the defense of their clients, is absolutely
preposterous in its impact on the Japanese. It
undermines the whole effect of the trials. It carries
the clear implication that Americans themselves are
insincere in their feelings about the origin of the war,
that those feelings arise from professional, or other
ulterior motives, and not from inner conviction. What
other impression can the Japanese obtain? And if he is
finally forced to the conclusion that the Tightness or
wrongness of Japan’s policies prior to the war was not a
matter of conviction among the Americans but a moot
legal point, on which Americans themselves are divided
and which could be settled only by two years of abstruse
judicial procedure, then he can only ask himself the
question: where was the two-year judicial procedure by
which it was decided that U.S. statesmen were right before they
[Page 719]
undertook to oppose
Japanese policies in east Asia during the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .