501.BC Indonesia/10–2948: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

953. Gocus 423. “October 27, 7 p. m., Schuurman called on me to report that special government committee had decided that afternoon against revoking order for eviction five Republicans (Gocus 4201). I said I regretted favorable consideration not given my personal intervention at this time when resumption negotiations in such critical stage. I told him frankly rumors were growing that Netherlands Government [Page 440] was preparing for police action against Republic. I emphasized possible catastrophic results thereof and argued we should all endeavor seriously bring about negotiations in good spirit at earliest possible date. I criticized Netherlands tendency to color press reports in favor their entrenched political position.

When Stuyt and Riphagen delivered Netherlands delegation documents to me October 28, 7 p. m. (Gocus 4222), I objected strongly Netherlands delegation proclivity using delaying tactics repeatedly and placing one condition after another in way of Republican delegation having chance to negotiate fairly for political settlement and entrance into USI on honorable basis. I said Netherlands delegation latest approach indicated determination to take up time of GOC with perhaps endlessly long and finally futile conversations on implementation of truce without ever reaching discussion of US delegation proposals.

October 29, 10 a. m., I called on Schuurman. I sought clarification as to whether I was expected to extend Hatta invitation to come to Batavia or just what they desired I endeavor to do ‘to arrange for Mr. Hatta to meet him (Stikker) at Batavia’. After consulting palace, Schuurman agreed to preparation of letter more in invitation form which was handed me later in day under No. 2483, dated October 29, signed Schuurman and addressed Cochran as follows:

‘With reference to our conversation this morning regarding Mr. Stikker’s wish to meet Mr. Hatta in Batavia, I should feel greatly obliged if you would convey to Mr. Hatta an invitation of the Government of Indonesia to come to Batavia for this purpose. In view of the desirability to resume negotiations in the near future, I think it would be advisable if this visit could take place as soon as possible after Mr. Stikker’s arrival.’

It had been agreed by us that best idea would be to have Hatta visit Batavia as soon as possible after Stikker’s arrival in order that conversations might start before situation could become more complicated. I told Schuurman I was doubtful as to whether Hatta might be able promptly to give in writing the direct answer which Netherlands delegation expects to its letter of October 28. I asked Schuurman whether an alternative would be acceptable, that is, Hatta discussing terms of Netherlands delegation letter of October 28 directly with Stikker when they meet. After subsequent consultation with palace, Schuurman telephoned me that this would be satisfactory. In my talk with Schuurman I again expressed my unhappiness over Netherlands delegation imposing one condition after another on resumption of negotiations. I told him that my going so constantly to Republic in [Page 441] their behalf might impair my usefulness at later stage when a serious point in negotiations may be reached.

I told Schuurman I did not desire to be party to any plan on part of Netherlands delegation to get Republican delegation into negotiations with priority given discussion of truce implementation and then find Netherlands delegation drawing out conversations endlessly and expecting results which would be obviously impossible. I said such tactics would soon become obvious and would react against Netherlands delegation as well as contribute to disturbance rather than improvement atmosphere. He insisted Netherlands delegation genuinely desirous of negotiating on basic settlement and would get to that discussion soonest possible. In answer my query he agreed that if Hatta and Stikker can arrange satisfactorily matter of assurances in their preliminary talk this would permit brief consideration being given thereto before GOC and might even permit immediate discussion US delegation plan once negotiations resumed. I urged that every possible consideration be given to clarifying to me matters through direct contact between Stikker and Hatta.

While I have not been prone to predict police action to Department, I cannot disregard indications toward that end including messages from other centers such as Hague’s 730, October 26 to Department.3 Critchley definitely feels Stikker may be coming to issue ultimatum to Hatta. I am cognizant, of course, of responsibility US delegation has taken in carrying negotiations so far on personal basis but I have no intention relinquishing such task until whole affair can be moved into GOC on proper basis. While I am not anxious, as Hague Embassy fears (Hague’s 725, October 25 to Department), to kindle world opinion against Netherlands, I surely desire that we take every reasonable measure to keep Netherlands in line and avoid breakdown of plans for negotiations with likely result of military strife. Furthermore I still feel in spite Hague Embassy’s reaction that strong steps may be necessary and that we might even have to consider cutting off financial assistance to NEI, such as that anticipated in Department’s 536, October 28 to Consulate General and US delegation,3 until negotiations are not only resumed but brought to amicable conclusion with Republic permitted enter USI honorably and peacefully.

I informed Republican delegation Secretary General Batavia this noon I am proceeding Jogja Saturday 30th. Secretary General arranging appointment with Hatta. Hope return Saturday night or Sunday latest.” Signed Cochran.

Sent Department 953; Department pass The Hague.4

  1. Telegram 944, October 26; p. 436.
  2. Telegram 951, October 28, midnight, not printed; but see footnote 1, p. 437.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.
  5. This was done the same day.