501.BC Indonesia/10–2848: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia1
539. Usgoc 182. Neth Amb called on Acting Secy Oct 27. Neth Amb dilated on dangers inherent present coalition between Hatta Govt and Tan Malakka Trotskyite Communists suggesting that Hatta Govt by no means Simon pure anti-Communist. Acting Sec replied, while aware ominous character such alliance, resulting situation and liquidation Communists within Repub task for Repub Govt; that better govt than Hatta unlikely emerge present situation.
Acting Sec took occasion point out Neth Amb great importance both sides avoiding at this moment “digging in” on positions from which they could not recede when negotiations resumed. He pointed out he had in mind not only position actually taken by Neth Govt but public statements by responsible officials which might have effect reducing essential flexibility negotiations. Acting Sec pointed out that result Dept’s desire avoid such position on part Repub Cochran had gone great pains restrain Repub from submitting case SC which would have in fact placed Repub in inflexible position. Neth Amb replied that his Govt had given its word to embark upon negotiations in good faith and had no intention going back on its word; that proceedings States General Oct 25 showed that when pressed by States General for definite commitment on position it would take in negotiations, Neth Govt had replied it was unable give in advance undertakings this character; that Neth Govt had sought and secured from States General virtual carte blanche in negotiations subject only parliamentary approval of text political agreement by two-thirds vote at later date. When queried concerning possibility that Neth agreement with Bandung group might constitute obstacle to free and unprejudiced negotiations Neth Amb replied that agreement with Bandung group entirely tentative Neth Amb replied that agreement with Bandung group entirely tentative in character and could be amended any way necessitated by subsequent agreements with Repub.
During course conversation remarks of Neth Amb led Dept officers to conclude (a) that position Neth Govt in negotiations will in fact be [Page 439] seriously circumscribed by what Neth Govt believes to be its general commitments to Bandung group, it being clear that Neth Govt will not, as yet, forego what it believes to be its responsibility for protection Bandung states; (b) that should negotiations fail Neth Govt will proceed with formation USI with Bandung group “reserving seats for Repub”; (c) that should infiltrations, acts of violence, murder etc continue Neth Govt would feel obliged “to take some action”. Acting Sec told Neth Amb that in Dept’s view military action against Repub would involve Neth in endless and indecisive guerilla warfare which, failing to restore real peace and order, would exhaust Neth. Dept officers are inclined believe that while Neth Amb’s remarks probably did not imply police action in sense of 1947 advance, Neth Govt would probably undertake “rescue missions” even in Repub territory particularly if encouraged do so by and through Bandung group.
- Repeated as 557 to The Hague and as Gadel 351 to Paris.↩