501.BC Indonesia/10–2648: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
944. Gocus 420. NethDel informed USDel that absence Stikker in Paris obliged postponement cabinet meeting Monday to Wednesday. Consequently, no likelihood learning Hague reaction to RepDel answer (Gocus 4171) before Thursday 28th.
Over week end Netherlands officials forced agreement from four Republicans in Batavia to disassociate themselves from Republican activities rather than be evicted. Batavia police also notified five Republicans they must leave Netherlands territory prior November 1. This group includes three advisors RepDel, two of whom in Batavia now and third in Jogja, and one Republican Ministry Information official. RepDel Secretary General Batavia approached me Saturday on these matters. I spoke informally with Riphagen Saturday and Stuyt Sunday protesting that police action this type may offset progress made last week toward resumption negotiations and have extremely harmful effect on position Republican Government has assumed. I sought holding this matter in abeyance pending resumption negotiations. Stuyt informed me last night he was still working on this matter and it would be reviewed at formal meeting 27th.
Evident in Batavia tendency of press and even on part official NethDel spokesmen to hesitate admit outlook for resumption negotiations hopeful and to hint implementation Republican assurances should be awaited. With Van Mook resignation and nonarrival Beel, it is obviously difficult for decisions any importance be taken Batavia. Nevertheless any serious delay in resumption negotiations gives greater opportunity for renewed press controversy and feeling of disappointment on part Republic. Critchley proceeding Jogja today and promised help keep Republicans quiet pending final Netherlands reaction. Believe Department could helpfully suggest to Netherlands Embassy need for urgency in accepting RepDel favorable reply at face value and hurrying resumption negotiations.
I lunched Sunday with British Consul General2 who had received from NethDel copy its reply October 14 and had apparently been instructed by his Government to keep in touch and be helpful. I gave him substance Department’s 525, October 22, to Batavia3 and told [Page 437] him I was sure he could be of assistance behind scene once negotiations, begin. Signed Cochran.
Sent Department 944; Department pass The Hague.4