501.BC Indonesia/10–1548: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

919. Gocus 413. Following is text letter dated October 14 addressed Roem signed Cochran which I intend hand Republic today:

“With reference to your letter No. 19E/IV dated September 20 and your letter No. 20/K/IV dated September 20, I have honor inform you of following.

By a letter dated September 21 I transmitted to the representative of Australia and to the representative of Belgium on the GOC copies of your two letters for their confidential information.

By a letter dated September 22 I transmitted copies of your two letters to the vice chairman Netherlands Delegation for confidential consideration. In this letter I stated that the US Delegation would await a response from Netherlands Delegation as to whether it was prepared to resume negotiations under auspices GOC on the basis set forth in US oral note of September 10.

I received an initial response from Netherlands Delegation on October 4. There were, however, in my opinion a number of points which required clarification. For this reason, I delayed transmitting the Netherlands response to you until the points which required clarification had been settled.

I enclose a copy of Netherlands response to the US oral note as set forth in a letter (No. 2359) to me dated October 14 from the vice chairman of the Netherlands Delegation.1

I shall now await a response from the Republican Delegation as to whether, in light of the views set forth in the above letter from the vice chairman of the Netherlands Delegation, you are prepared to reaffirm your readiness to resume negotiations.”

Signed Cochran.

  1. See supra.