851g.00/8–2848: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1
3368. Dept concurs views Saigon’s 188 Aug 28 similar those Deptel 136 Aug 27 Saigon (rptd Paris as agam). Dept appreciates difficulties facing any French Govt taking decisive action vis-à-vis Indochina but can only see steadily deteriorating situation unless more positive approval Baie d’Along Agreement, enactment legislation or action permitting change Cochinchina status, and immediate commencement formal negotiations envisaged that Agreement. Dept believes nothing should be left undone which will strengthen truly nationalist group Indochina and induce present supporters Viet Minh come to side that group. No such inducement possible unless that group can show concrete evidence French prepared implement promptly creation Vietnam as free state associated French Union and with all attributes free state. When you deem appropriate point out to French Govt Dept’s views regarding Indochina and repeat Dept’s readiness publicly approve French Govt action along above lines which will assist bringing about solution Indochina problem. In foregoing connection you might refer substance second para Deptel 3331 Aug. 26.2