501.BC Indonesia/5–2948: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State

confidential   us urgent

441. Gocus No. 285. Political Committee yesterday considered Republic’s foreign relations.

Roem read paper prepared by his Govt which stated recognition Republic by Yemen was unilateral act which took place February as result earlier contact, that ECAFE case was continuation last year’s Baguio conference (he promised early reply second Netherlands invitation for Republic participate in Indonesian delegation), that designation Palar as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary does not change foreign relations Republic and that “with regard surprising report Moscow Radio, no official information has as yet reached my govt, I think it not in accordance true facts.” Seems better for us observe patience and await further reports and information which undoubtedly be sought by Republic govt.

Vredenburch in withering retort accused Republic of double-dealing and pressed for further information on May 26 Moscow Radio broadcast which stated as result negotiations Praha between Soviet Ambassador1 and Suripno, Republic representative, two govts had agreed establish diplomatic relations and exchange consuls. Roem called attention statement by Republic Foreign Minister Salim to Aneta in which Salim said that Moscow broadcast possibly meant that USSR on own initiative has recognized Republic, which he could only welcome, but he had no knowledge of establishment USSR-Republic relations, that no Republic representative has been authorized conclude such agreement and that Republic does not recognize action Suripno. (Statement also gives Stalin2 view that until formation USI Republic [Page 194] has independent existence with right extend foreign relations although he had no intention do this in order avoid causing unnecessary difficulties.) In reply further query by Vredenburch, Roem could say only that Stalin statement was “on whole” official. Vredenburch thereupon stated he had received from friendly source in Republic copy letter Sukarno to Suripno dated December 25, 1947 authorizing latter establish relations with central European states and USSR. This obviously came as complete news to Roem. Vredenburch insisted that if Suripno’s instructions subsequently countermanded he acted without authorization and that hence no relations with USSR had been established. If Roem unable say which was case, it clear Republic delegation out of touch its govt, or else question must arise what kind of govt Netherlands delegation dealing with. He added he returning Batavia following morning and wished take Republic reply with him in order inform his government. He believed if Republic continued its present policy respect foreign relations, there only slight chance political agreement.

Roem stated Republic Cabinet meeting that night and he would endeavor have reply for Vredenburch next morning.

Immediately after meeting Vredenburch asked special meeting with Dubois and Herremans. He stressed serious view he took of establishment USSR-Republic relations, emphasizing consequences to be expected from Soviet Consular penetrating Indonesia, and asked Dubois emphasize with Republic urgency satisfactory reply disavowing Suripno’s action, failing which he stated he would be forced return Hague.

At same time, USDel adviser saw Roem and Pringgo Digdo and pointed out that in absence clear-cut answer from Republic making plain it had not sought recognition by USSR, position USDel would be seriously weakened respect its ability get sympathetic hearing by Dutch and State Dept of Republic’s case in political negotiations. We said we had hoped GOC could play constructive role, noting that in respect Budiardjo affair and Bandung Conference Republic Delegation had no cause complain of GOC action, and that question was now one of whether Republic wished undermine USDel position. Roem and Pringgo Digdo thoroughly understood situation, Pringgo Digdo agreeing sole Soviet aim Indonesia is creation chaos and describing Suripno as “saloon Communist”.

From foregoing conversation and subsequent conversation Pringgo Digdo, who called USDel next morning to bring results Cabinet action, it appears Republic through characteristic lack coordination and lack communications with representatives overseas has fallen into terrible quandary, namely whether affront western nations by accepting Soviet recognition or alienate own public opinion by disavowing [Page 195] recognition of formidable power at time when Republic itself believes Dutch preparing dispose of Republic by force. According Pringgo Digdo, Suripno did not receive instructions as brought out by Vredenburch but this action was taken by Sjarifuddin government, and present government including Hatta, had never heard of it. Pringgo Digdo produced text press release which Cabinet intends issue as follows:

“Republic Government does not know yet what is precisely meant by ‘an agreement between Soviet Union and Republic’. It is possible we confronted with unilateral recognition Republic by Soviet Union as sequence its attitude in recognizing Israel. If true Suripno in Praha has established relations with Soviet Russia, his action would be based generally mandate granted by government December 1947, prior Renville Agreement, to seek relations with countries central and eastern Europe, in view threat Netherlands military action. With view obtaining clarification guripno’s real actions, government has called Suripno to Jogjakarta. Meantime, foreign policy Republic remains as set forth” statement made by Republic delegation to GOC viz at this time there will be no extension scope Republic foreign relations.”

Pringgo Digdo in presenting statement admitted it not satisfactory from our point view but pointed out there no possibility Republic stating Suripno acted without authority since he clearly had authority. Statement was as far as Cabinet could go at present. However, Hatta wished us inform State Department that as long as he Prime Minister there would be no exchange consuls with USSR. He also wished to see Dubois tomorrow. Pringgo Digdo insisted Republic living up to understanding it had given not to expand foreign relations and produced text telegram Hatta to Sudarsono in New Delhi explaining necessity Republic participate interim government and noting appointment representative to Burma would lead complications. He stated Republic calling off appointment representatives to other countries which had indicated they would welcome relations with Republic. We asked if he would convey same information Vredenburch Pringgo Digdo said he would gladly talk to Koets, Who human being, but never to Vredenburch, who was old Dutch colonial and unwilling believe anything Republic said.

Accordingly Dubois drove Jogja and intercepted Vredenburch at airport. Vredenburch was savage. While conceding Hatta’s assurances that no representatives would be exchanged was “something”, he called Republic press release totally unsatisfactory and stated that situation closely concerns us, Roem’s statement to Political Committee tissue of lies, no credence whatever to be placed in Republic statements, impossible negotiate with such people and that he intended issue press release moment he gets out plane and will fly Hague if [Page 196] relations with USSR not completely repudiated by Republic. Dubois had impression he wished negotiations breakdown.

USDel feels strongly assurances given by Republic, public and private, should be taken as sufficient for present. Nonimplemented recognition Republic by USSR is trivial compared with what may be expected should efforts reach political agreement fail.

Department pass Hague.3

  1. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Silin, appointed in March.
  2. Generalissimo Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union.
  3. This was done on May 31.