851g.01/7–248: Telegram
The Consul General at Saigon (Abbott) to the Secretary of State
153. Viewed from here, alternatives to French Government acceptance Baie d’Along agreement (Paris telegram 3453, June 30) are (1) negotiation with Ho Chi Minh and (2) continuation of war with active resistance within French zone of such Viets as now support French or remain neutral. No one here considers military solution feasible, and no dyed-in-wool colonialist relishes perfectly conceivable prospect of uprising in Saigon of house-boys and rickshaw coolies. Reply of officials here to query what happens if Baie d’Along agreement not ratified is usually “I resign or take extended leave”.
Pouched Hanoi. Department pass Paris 41 from Saigon.1
- This was done the same day.↩