501.BC Indonesia/4–1648: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State


308. Gocus 229. ReDept request for information relative positions Netherlands and Republic in respect Republic participation pre-USI government’s (Usgoc 861):

Netherlands delegation appears most eager reach understanding with Republic on interim arrangements leading to Republic entry into Federated Government. Vredenburch makes point his keen interest speedy conclusion political agreement and deems it essential thorny issues involved in Republic transfer of powers to Netherlands GOC Provisional Federated Government be faced soonest lest other steps toward agreement prove vain. USDel not sure position Van Mook, between whom and Vredenburch dangerous divergence views may prevail, as Scott will explain, though Vredenburch now playing this down. Netherlands delegation has not yet given any indication what authority Republic and other Indonesian representatives would have in Provisional Federated Government, which will be vital factor to Indonesian delegation. Obviously futile expect men like Hatta, Sjahrir and Leimena act as figureheads in government in which full authority [Page 147] retained hands Van Mook or expect Republic participate such conditions.

Indonesian delegation privately and openly insists complete understanding be reached on form USI and organs union prior discussion “transition” measures and is supported by Australian delegation. Vredenburch in steering committee, April 5, during discussion plebiscites noted Roem had referred 6 political principles as part Renville Agreement and stated he wished make clear Netherlands delegation position that these principles were an agreed basis for discussion but that only truce agreement was strictly an agreement. This is attitude Indonesian delegation respect first principle recognizing Netherlands sovereignty. With absence left-wing parties from Republic Government emphasizing present deep party schisms in Republic, Republic Government will have greatest political difficulty surrendering sovereign powers and no doubt still hopes retain them until transferring them to USI. It possible most important elements Republic determined Republic follow independent course indefinitely if need be, utilizing Renville Agreement to preserve security Republic’s borders and obtain resumption trade. Meanwhile Indonesian delegation attempting obtain agreement with, Netherlands delegation on all aspects USI despite technically correct Netherlands delegation position that many problems must be left Constituent Assembly. Indonesian delegation motivated by conviction other states merely false faces for Netherlands with whom all issues should go before, be settled before Republic loses bargaining position. (If west Java any example, “spontaneous” separatist movements are indeed lacking inherent vitality.)

With regard what can be done expedite political agreement and bring Republic into Provisional Federated Government, it apparent any influence on Republic must be exerted from here. However, we have few levers on Republic. Inducement effect of US loan to Provisional Federated Government largely lost if as reported Republic has succeeded contracting for $100,000,000 in goods from US. (USDel would appreciate any information this matter from Department and on fantastic report Republic may succeed obtaining additional 500,000,000 to which Latuharhary refers as “top secret” information.) If political discussions reach complete deadlock, we believe best course would be for Netherlands make final proposal on form USI and union, terms on which Republic could enter Provisional Federated Government and powers Indonesian representatives this government and for USDel then inform Republic this absolutely best Netherlands offer obtainable and if Republic not prepared accept without further argument within two weeks, GOC would in USDel view be forced [Page 148] conclude there no further point its remaining. We consider some kind deadline must in time be laid down. Otherwise negotiations here might last forever. USDel would appreciate Department view this plan pending receipt which we will not discuss with Dutch.

Critchley believes Republic will enter Provisional Federated Government if Netherlands offer on form union satisfactory (he suspects Netherlands intention make superstate of union) and if Provisional Federal Government follows model former Indian interim government with Indonesians exercising real authority subject only Netherlands check on highest level, actually with Netherlands retaining but avoiding exercising veto right.

Any event in order satisfy Republic’s legitimate interests and allay Republic’s congenital mistrust of Dutch, as well as give Netherlands unassailable record in event negotiations reach final breakdown, it essential to plan suggested above that Netherlands final proposals be generous and that in meantime Netherlands lean over backwards to be fair to Republic in current discussions on full implementation truce with respect freeing movement goods across status quo line, permitting seaborne trade between Republic ports, and release military and political prisoners. If Department concurs, we believe it not too early approach Dutch, Washington, and Hague on these lines.

Department pass Hague.2

  1. April 8, p. 143.
  2. This was done April 17.