501.BC Indonesia/3–2548: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia


126. Usgoc 80. Re Gocus 200, Mar 25, please report in full concerning formation East Sumatra state Mar 15 and action contemplated by GOC, if any. This should include your estimate of roots of movement and full appraisal of whether this movement required to supply civil administration as result of withdrawal Dutch forces, etc. While we regret separate protest which not in conformity with agreed procedure for periodic reports, necessity and wisdom of Dutch action depend in our opinion on facts behind formation and manner of formation.

We believe best way avoid SC discussion on such matters is for both sides take realistic view of effect likely be produced by repetition these situations. SC may not be able avoid meeting to consider [Page 129] Republic’s protest although we will endeavor express informally with other members SC our hope that this will not be necessary. If such discussion unavoidable our position with respect East Sumatra will be substantially that taken by Senator Austin in SC discussion of formation West Java state,1 subject to your report on foregoing.

  1. For text of Senator Austin’s remarks to the Security Council on February 28, see SC, 3rd yr., nos. 16–35, pp. 377–378.