867N.01/11–1248: Telegram

Mr. Franklin C. Gowen 1 to the Acting Secretary of State


62. My Amvat 602 November 3. Tardini, Vatican Acting Secretary of State received me this morning to give me in strict confidence Pope’s views on Jerusalem. He said:

  • 1. Vatican in view position taken respectively by Arabs and Jews in Palestine considers internationalization Jerusalem and outskirts most appropriate solution in present circumstances to ensure peace, order, tranquility in Palestine.
  • 2. Vatican maintains rights traditionally enjoyed by Catholics in Palestine must be fully respected and protected, especially with regard holy places.
  • 3. Vatican has no particular preference with regard any specific manner whereby Jerusalem and environs would be placed under international control provided such control would effectively protect Catholic interests.
  • 4. Vatican has become aware proposed charter or constitution for Jerusalem drafted by Trusteeship Council and submitted to President UNO General Assembly by Secretary General in letter dated New York April 21 last.
  • [Here follow remainder of this and the next paragraph, giving details.]
  • 6. After first World War and when Great Britain assumed Palestine mandate British Government gave solemn official assurance she would maintain status quo regarding rights traditionally enjoyed various religious communities and denominations in Palestine. Vatican has consistently maintained necessity keep this status quo, arranged exert force to ensure and maintain full respect protection all rights acquired and enjoyed by Catholics in Palestine, especially rights concerning holy places.

Tardini emphasized his opinion not only Latin America but Christendom at large would heartily welcome placing Jerusalem and environs under international control and likewise, with international guarantees giving free access to holy places throughout Palestine and thus ensure full freedom worship all denominations and security existence moral and physical conditions of life conducive to spiritual and material well-being all concerned.

  1. Foreign Service Officer at Vatican City.
  2. Not printed.