Truman Papers, President’s Secretary’s File: Telegram
The President’s Special Counsel (Clifford) to President Truman 1
White 227. After reading statement of Dewey on Israel, I contacted Lovett and have spent most of morning with him. I explained to him that your integrity has been attacked by Dewey whose purpose is to infer that you have reneged on Democratic platform. I suggested to Lovett that by reason of Dewey’s action, you had no alternative but to reaffirm your support of the Democratic platform. Lovett agrees completely. I suggested to him that you would have to give out statement clearly stating your position on Israel. Lovett agrees. He sent Marshall a cable2 stating in substance that Dewey has violated bipartisan approach on Israel and that Lovett feels that President has to reaffirm his support of Democratic platform. I am working on a statement on Israel now and will have it ready to submit to you on Sunday morning.3 I consider Dewey’s action a serious error on his part and the best thing that has happened to us to date. Affectionate regards.