501.BB Palestine/10–2048: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris
Gadel 290. Reurtel Delga 411, Oct. 20, Dept’s comments are following:
In first and third para preamble change ref to Palestine refugees to read “refugees in or from Palestine.”
[Page 1510]Numbered paras 2 and 5: In recommending basic sum $30,000,000 and advance (para 5) from working capital fund, it would be desirable to insert clause placing limitation on administrative expenditure in order prevent establishment complex top-heavy administrative organization and assure maximum utilization funds for relief supplies per se. We believe $500,000 (Delga 410, Oct 20, para 5b1) adequate for UN administrative functions as envisaged Deptel AmEmb Gadel 4141 Oct 22.2 However, allowance would also have to be made for fiscal assistance to Red Cross (see below) to supplement their administrative and operational expenses. Therefore we suggest ceiling be placed on combined UN and Red Cross administrative expenditures and specified in para 2 after consultations Paris. If it is practical to increase proposed advance from working capital fund to seven or eight million dollars, we would prefer this to five million figure, since any US contribution to long range program which might be forthcoming could not be expected before March–April 1949.
Para. 3: After full consideration relevant arguments, we believe UK clause (Delga 423, Oct. 203 para b) more realistic than use of operational scale of contributions and therefore more acceptable. Scale implies obligation which US Government not in position assume at moment. Furthermore we must not lose sight of hard fact that contributions this program will be determined in last analysis on basis national interests of each govt, which in fact will mean that only significant contributions will be those of the US, UK, and Arab states. We therefore believe operational scale, which involves fictitious budget and designation by UN rather than by United States Government of extent of our interests in NE is impractical.
Para 4: We concur. However, relief organization although nominally under SYG, should not be encumbered by complex machinery at Lake Success but should be established in manner to insure that it functions as autonomous administrative unit to maximum extent practicable. Dept. notes and approves that US draft places relief operation under SYG rather than Conciliation Commission. We believe that relief organization, as distinguished from problems of repatriation, resettlement, and reparations, should be kept distinct from mediation or conciliation machinery Committee I may establish.
Para. 6: We suggest that UNICEF be taken out of para and presented separately making special reference large percentage refugees [Page 1511] eligible UNICEF aid and taking into account any action by UNICEF October 23.
We wish to add additional para to resolution as follows:
“Invites appropriate Red Cross agencies to continue their collaboration with the relief program and recommends that the SYG make appropriate administrative and fiscal arrangements with the International Committee Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies with a view to delegating thereto primary responsibility for the field operational and distribution functions of the United Nations relief program”.
Dept will take up with congressional leaders as soon as practicable proposal that USDel be authorized announce before end current GA session intention this Government seek appropriation $14,000,000–$16,000,000 refugee relief when Congress reconvenes.
Hope to get top clearance for US to introduce resolution as amended jointly with British Delegation.4
- Not printed; this paragraph stated that GADel considered the sum of $500,000 for administrative expenses inadequate (501.BB Palestine/10–2048).↩
- The editors are unable to identify this message.↩
- Not printed; it conveyed the text of the latest British draft resolution on assistance to Arab refugees. Paragraph b of the British draft read: “Urges states members of the UN to make initial and further contributions in kind or in funds sufficient to ensure that the amounts of supplies and funds required are obtained.” (501.BB Palestine/10–2048)↩
- The Department notified GADel, on October 27, that President Truman had approved the composite draft resolution set forth in Delga 411, as modified by Gadel 290, and had authorized its joint sponsorship by the United States and the United Kingdom (telegram Gadel 321, 501.BB Palestine/10–2748).↩