501.BB Palestine/10–2348: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris
Gadel 289. As indicated last sentence Gadel 192, Oct. 13,1 we have for some time felt that certain concessions would have to be made to Israel in northern Negev. This view is consistent with line originally laid down and approved by President as set forth in Deptel 72, Sept. 1, to Tel Aviv, pursuant to which McDonald informed PGI of our view that Israel might expand into rich area of Galilee in return for relinquishing a large portion of Negev to Transjordan. It is likewise consistent with advice which McClintock gave Bernadotte as reported Cairo’s 1316, Sept. 15, when he said that although Bernadotte’s recommendation regarding Negev might be just there were nevertheless strong considerations favoring concessions in favor of Jews, at least to extent of a salient into Negev as far as Beersheba–Gaza Road.
According to press reports, Jews have now carved out this salient since they have taken Beersheba and are said to be astride Egyptian communications even south of Gaza.
We feel that in conversation with Arab and Israeli delegates this Govt’s view should be informally emphasized that, among adjustments in Bernadotte Plan mentioned by Acting Mediator in his presentation to Committee One, should be territorial rectification in northern Negev in favor of Israel. Extreme care should be taken however to make it clear that this Govt in no way condones Jewish military operations in defiance of SC resolution which have resulted in conquest by force of arms of territory which this Govt felt could peacefully be [Page 1509] conveyed to Israel.2 In this regard please see Gadel 266, Oct 21, reaffirming our position as already taken in SC, supporting Chapter VII action if Palestine truce is further breached.3
Repeated for similar informal action to Tel Aviv as 175.
Repeated for info to London as 4071, Cairo as 1471, Amman as 25.
- Not printed.↩
- At this point in the telegram as drafted by Mr. McClintock appeared the sentence: “It is of special importance to make it very clear to Israeli representatives that further encroachments of this kind will not be tolerated.” This sentence was deleted by Mr. Lovett.↩
- At this point in the telegram as drafted appeared the sentence: “You are authorized to add that Gadel 266, Oct. 21, has received the approval of the President.” This sentence, too, was deleted by Mr. Lovett.↩