890.0145/11–2248: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran


1114. Dept has proposed to Brit Emb Rep1 incorporation portion wording suggested Embtel 1344, Nov. 222 para 1(a) draft proclamation median line as follows:

“To the south and north, by the outer limits of the territorial sea and a line extending lengthwise in the center of the said Gulf (hereinafter called the median line), which line is subsequently to be more precisely defined in agreement with the rulers or governments of states adjacent to the Persian Gulf in accordance with equitable principles.”

Brit Emb Rep was told Dept believes adoption suggested wording desirable but US would not insist on its inclusion.

Re apprehension as to Iranian reaction stated Embtels 1344 and 1349, Nov. 23,3 Dept feels certain advantages accruing to Iran under proclamation procedure should be kept in mind.

Iran will have opportunity participate in determining median line.
Median line theory protects Iranian interests to center gulf. If “deepest water” or “Thalweg” theory were applied by Arab states in proclamation this might work against Iranian interests since deepest water is closest Iranian shore. (We have reason believe oil companies may advise Arab States extend claims on this basis.)

Re effect proclamation on Saed Govt, must be recognized Saed not required announce Iran has been informed of US and Brit advice to Arab States. On other hand he may well make announcement and use points (a) and (b) above to indicate he is protecting Iranian rights.

We have informed Brit we can no longer hold back Amer oil companies in seeking subsea concessions and desire earliest possible Brit decision.4

  1. On November 24; see Mr. Sanger’s memorandum of conversation, December 6, p. 62.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Latter not printed.
  4. This telegram was repeated to London.