Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Truman
Subject: Suspension of Export of Arms, Ammunition, and Other Military Material to India and Pakistan
The Department has recently been approached by representatives of India and Pakistan with a view to the purchase and export to these countries of military material requiring export licensing. It is expected that India and Pakistan will make further requests of this nature in the future.
Careful consideration has been given by the appropriate officials of the Department to the advisability of allowing military materials to be shipped to India and Pakistan at this time, and the tentative conclusion has been reached that in view of the tense situation prevailing in the Indian subcontinent as a result of disputes over Kashmir and other Issues, which each party has declared to constitute threats to international peace, licenses should not be issued for the export of military material to either India or Pakistan until the situation becomes more clarified. The Department further believes that a comparable policy should be adopted with regard to the transfer, retransfer, and sales of military items under the control of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner insofar as India and Pakistan are concerned, unless evidence is produced to show that such materials are intended for civilian or commercial use in India and Pakistan. It is not proposed to establish a formal embargo with the publicity which such action would entail.
The foregoing policy is consistent with the attitude taken by this Government in the deliberations on the India-Pakistan question in the Security Council of the United Nations, in that United States representative has emphasized that the disputes between the parties should be settled by pacific means.
[Page 497]The Secretary of Defense has concurred in this, recommendation. It would be appreciated if you would indicate whether you agree with the foregoing policy.1
- A marginal notation on this memorandum reads: “Approved, Harry S Truman, March 12, 1948”.↩