501.BC Kashmir/12–148: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly (Dulles) to the Secretary of State

secret   us urgent

Delga 1027. Reference Department’s query re UK delegation thinking on SC action Kashmir (Gadel 613, November 291) we have been in close touch UK representatives and their approach to problem now nearer ours in that they now have abandoned idea simple cease-fire resolution. On November 30 they handed us draft resolution2 along following lines:

Preamble refers to both UNCIP interim report and to expected supplementary report, commends UNCIP efforts, observes fighting has continued over one year, and concludes that since continuation dispute likely endanger international peace, fighting must cease “in order that negotiations for a settlement may proceed in calmer atmosphere.”
In Section (A) SC recommends that GOI and GOP simultaneously issue cease-fire orders in language somewhat similar part I UNCIP August 13 resolution but with distinction between geographic areas so as to terminate fighting within four days in area present GOI military effort and “as soon as possible” elsewhere.
In Section (B) SC instructs UNCIP send its military adviser and staff with observers to supervise cease-fire and to take action “with a view to the implementation of the proposals contained in part II of UNCIP August 13 resolution.” Subject adjustment details in light consultation “parties concerned.”
Section (C) “instructs” Secretary General nominate PA under 10 (A) SC resolution April “to proceed at the earliest possible date to Indian subcontinent” to arrange fair and impartial plebiscite on basis April 21 SC resolution with discretion to modify foregoing in light UNCIP revised suggestions and his own consultations.
Section (D) provides that military adviser and PA report at once to UNCIP in event any difficulties, so that UNCIP may make recommendations to SC on problem.
In Section (E) SC “requests GOI and GOP to signify to President SC their acceptance of recommendations in resolution within five days.”

UK delegation has expressed desire exchange views re foregoing: with GA delegation immediately in order that after agreement we “sell” proposal to other SC representatives and push resolution through SC during next week so as to force parties take action under Section (E) prior adjournment SC December 16. We have told British we consider their proposal generally along lines our thinking, but that we could not predict precisely when present UNCIP negotiations would result in either success or failure and that we believe SC action should be coordinated with UNCIP efforts and recommendations. Foregoing conveyed to British only as initial and informal reaction, and we shall continue closer working relationship with them as situation develops.

Sent Department Delga 1027, repeated to London 1404.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not found in Department of State files.