501.BC Kashmir/11–2248: Telegram

The United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle) to the Secretary of State


5994. Comkas 60. UNCIP 22nd approved and despatched letters to Zafrulla, Bajpai, Secretary General and President SC. Letter to Bajpai transmitted text Zafrulla letter 20th (Comkas 59 and Delga A–791) and requested of GOI “as a matter of urgency” their observations situation described therein. Letter concluded with appeal of GOI “to refrain from any action which might aggravate the military and political situation and thus endanger the negotiations which are at present being directed towards the preparation of a peaceful settlement”. Similar appeal contained in letter to Zafrulla acknowledging receipt his letter.

Letter to Secretary General over Colban’s signature reopened “as a matter of urgency” question appointment military adviser with combat experience and rank brigadier or higher.

Letter to President SC transmitted text Zafrulla letter 20th, reviewed negotiation in which UNCIP now engaged, summarized contents UNCIP’s letters to Bajpai, Zafrulla and Secretary General and undertook keep President informed further developments situation. Letter also stated “the commission envisages its return to sub-continent as soon as the development of the present consultations with representatives of the two governments here in Paris renders this desirable”.2

  1. Not printed.
  2. For text, see SC, 3d yr., Suppl. for Nov. 1948, pp. 14–17.