501.BC Kashmir/11–2048: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 861. Cadogan supplementing démarche Delga 821 November 18, handed Jessup text of message dated 18 November from UK Prime Minister to Nehru:
“I am informed that a communication is being made to the SC alleging that Indian Army and Air Force operating in Kashmir have recently been considerably reinforced and that Indian forces have started an all-out offensive in the state. I sincerely trust that you will be able to assure me that this is not the fact. Remembering the assurances from yourself and the Prime Minister of Pakistan when you were in London, I am sure that neither of you would wish to settle the fate of Kashmir by military force.”
Cadogan also in letter to Jessup today1 reiterated his government’s serious view of situation and requested us to support move for SC [Page 456] meeting without delay. UK would want from SC immediate and unconditional cease-fire and suggests resolution this effect be sponsored by same six governments sponsoring SC April 21 resolution plus SC President. Cadogan stated he still unbriefed with respect question observers of cease-fire.
With letter Cadogan enclosed summary telegram received UK High Commissioner, Karachi, November 19.2 In substance it expresses GOP fear re aggravation Kashmir refugee problem which “may mean collapse Pakistan,” and impossibility fair plebiscite if GOI conquers all Kashmir. Cadogan called particular attention that portion High Commissioner’s message stating that if GOI not restrained in present military offensive, Pakistans will in genuine despair experience “nationwide revulsion of feeling favorable to Russia,” and that this development would be sharpened by withdrawal British officers which under present policy would follow open GOI–GOP conflict. Karachi message concludes with statement re “imminent risk General Gracey3 will feel obliged to throw in all Pakistan land and air forces.”
Pending receipt of Department’s instructions, we have today told Cadogan we feel action contemplated by UNCIP next few days (Comkas 59, November 204) is about as vigorous and extensive as any possible UN action by SC in this period. Difficulties involved in immediate cease-fire remain substantial without over-all political settlement and in light of India’s claim to this area.
Sent Delga 861, repeated London 1309. Department repeat to New Delhi as 12 and Karachi as 10.