501.BC Kashmir/10–2248: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle), at Geneva
124. For Huddle from the Secretary.1 Understand from conversation Adams and USGADel that UNCIP plans informal meeting Paris 28 October and formal meeting to consider report 1 November, Commission wishing to confer their delegations and consider conclusions.
For your information Nehru and Liaquat will be in Paris most of next week. Indications are that negotiations may have begun between them at dinner with Attlee according Times London. UK is laboring create atmosphere for this meeting looking toward direct negotiations parties as best solution problem. We and UK wish discreetly confer regarding constructive recommendations to be added to report. Therefore presence of Commission here even informally plus inevitable informal circulation of report might seriously affect or prejudice prospective negotiation.
- a.
- You are instructed make utmost efforts Commission reconsider decision to come to Paris. For your information Cordier2 telephoning Colban same sense.
- b.
- Please send USGADel urgently by pouch copies of parts of report now complete.
- c.
- Take necessary steps to leave door open revision of report and addition of constructive recommendations for affirmative action to it, if events and negotiations UK should suggest their desirability.
Sent Geneva 124, repeated Department, London 1095.